Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
By:Myrl Tanton
Date: 1/7/2002, 3:39 pm
Date: 1/7/2002, 3:39 pm
In Response To: Strip: Sanding the inside (Stephan Bradley)
Using a paint scraper works really well. Use a file (or grinder) to round off the blade so you are not gouging the wood with the corners of the scraper. Keep it nice and sharp, the metal is soft so it will dullen easy, but is easy to sharpen.
Once you are done this the sanding goes easier.
I tried to use the random orbital sander with a carved convex foam pad between the sand paper and the sander. taped on with duct tape, this sort of worked. glueing the pad would have made it better.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Sanding the inside
Stephan Bradley -- 1/7/2002, 3:10 pm- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 1/8/2002, 9:46 am- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
John Monfoe -- 1/8/2002, 4:26 am- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
Dave Houser -- 1/8/2002, 2:08 am- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
John Skinner -- 1/8/2002, 12:14 am- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
Rehd -- 1/8/2002, 12:53 am
- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside *Pic*
Tom Johansen -- 1/7/2002, 10:14 pm- Re: Strip: Orbital, Scraper and Hand
Rehd -- 1/7/2002, 9:18 pm- Re: Strip: Orbital, Scraper and Hand
Stephan Bradley -- 1/7/2002, 10:51 pm- Re: Strip: Orbital, Scraper and Hand
Rehd -- 1/8/2002, 12:56 am
- Re: Strip: Orbital, Scraper and Hand
- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
Myrl Tanton -- 1/7/2002, 3:39 pm - Re: Strip: Sanding the inside
- Re: Strip: Sanding the inside *Pic*