Date: 1/16/2002, 11:14 am
: A boat has to be SERIOUSLY bent in order to misbehave badly. Mt first S&G
: wound up warped by about 1/2" at the stern, but it still tracks like
: a train. If it looks right, it probably is. If you look in the archives at
: Chesapeake Light Craft there are dozens of threads through the years that
: pretty much echo the same opinion. Paddling skill, wind, waves and other
: extraneous factors have much more effect on tracking than minor
: abnormalities in hull shape.
Oh yeah, and paddling skill is another major factor. Did we mention paddling skill? If you haven't paddled before, the boat is going to drive you crazy, and you'll be convinced that the keel is twisted like a pretzel. Rest assured, it's your paddling skill. When it becomes more fully developed, no problems. A lot of times, if you're right handed, your boat will turn to the left--your right arm is simply stronger. Your skill will develop, paddle strokes will balance out, and you'll be assured that it wasn't your boat.
:Rest easy, go for it and enjoy.
Just enjoy the process and get the boat in the water!
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: How close is close enough
David Ross -- 1/16/2002, 10:17 am- I eyeballed mine and it goes GREAT
Pete Notman -- 1/18/2002, 4:00 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Bert -- 1/17/2002, 12:31 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 1/16/2002, 5:12 pm- offsets
mike allen ---> -- 1/16/2002, 9:02 pm- Too Many Measurements
Mike Scarborough -- 1/19/2002, 9:20 am- Re: offsets
Bobby Curtis -- 1/17/2002, 8:42 am- s&g offset and alignment ideas
mike allen ---> -- 1/17/2002, 1:26 pm- Re: s&g offset and alignment ideas
mike allen ---> -- 1/17/2002, 2:42 pm
- Re: s&g offset and alignment ideas
- Re: offsets
- Too Many Measurements
- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Chip Sandresky -- 1/16/2002, 1:15 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Val Wann -- 1/16/2002, 10:59 am- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Pete Rudie -- 1/16/2002, 10:57 am- Re: Paddling skill
Shawn Baker -- 1/16/2002, 11:14 am- URL for CLC Forum
Pete Rudie -- 1/16/2002, 11:08 am - URL for CLC Forum
- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
- I eyeballed mine and it goes GREAT