Re: S&G: How close is close enough *Pic*
By:Bobby Curtis
Date: 1/16/2002, 5:12 pm
Date: 1/16/2002, 5:12 pm
In Response To: S&G: How close is close enough (David Ross)
The winding sticks work really well. Also, stretch a string from bow to stern along the keel line and eyeball the string vs the keel line. If they overlap by eye reasonably well, the kayak is straight enough.

Messages In This Thread
- S&G: How close is close enough
David Ross -- 1/16/2002, 10:17 am- I eyeballed mine and it goes GREAT
Pete Notman -- 1/18/2002, 4:00 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Bert -- 1/17/2002, 12:31 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough *Pic*
Bobby Curtis -- 1/16/2002, 5:12 pm- offsets
mike allen ---> -- 1/16/2002, 9:02 pm- Too Many Measurements
Mike Scarborough -- 1/19/2002, 9:20 am- Re: offsets
Bobby Curtis -- 1/17/2002, 8:42 am- s&g offset and alignment ideas
mike allen ---> -- 1/17/2002, 1:26 pm- Re: s&g offset and alignment ideas
mike allen ---> -- 1/17/2002, 2:42 pm
- Re: s&g offset and alignment ideas
- Re: offsets
- Too Many Measurements
- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Chip Sandresky -- 1/16/2002, 1:15 pm- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Val Wann -- 1/16/2002, 10:59 am- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
Pete Rudie -- 1/16/2002, 10:57 am- Re: Paddling skill
Shawn Baker -- 1/16/2002, 11:14 am- URL for CLC Forum
Pete Rudie -- 1/16/2002, 11:08 am - URL for CLC Forum
- Re: S&G: How close is close enough
- I eyeballed mine and it goes GREAT