Re: Other: kayak building camp/school *Pic*
In Response To: Other: kayak building camp/school (Jennifer)
: Hi
: I just saw a program on a Vermont Kayak Camp/school, it is a three week
: program for teens and they build a wooden kayak and go on a kayak trip. I
: did not get the name of the camp/school. Has anyone heard of this or does
: anyone know of any other camps/schools for kayak building?
The Chewonki Foundation in Maine offers similar experiences:

Messages In This Thread
- Other: kayak building camp/school
Jennifer -- 1/20/2002, 7:38 pm- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Linda -- 1/21/2002, 9:49 pm- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Mark Woodhead -- 1/21/2002, 6:20 pm- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/21/2002, 11:53 am- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
addison -- 1/21/2002, 10:09 am- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Pamela Watson -- 1/21/2002, 9:58 am- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/24/2002, 12:32 am- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Jennifer Robinson -- 1/23/2002, 5:39 pm - Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
Matthew -- 1/21/2002, 12:34 am - Re: Other: kayak building camp/school
- Re: Other: kayak building camp/school