Date: 1/22/2002, 6:34 pm
: Vote the bastards out who are responsible for this! Ordering from Canada to
: the US is no hassle at all and it can save a bundle on some things. NAFTA
: was supposed to work both ways, but apparently Canadians are getting
: screwed by their government. I don't mean to be critical, but when you
: embrace socialism to the degree that Canada has, intrusive government is
: what you have to live with.
The 'bastards' will probably continue and the bext explanation for this is in the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Roughly it goes like this -- when talking to residents of a planet governed by dogs who showed no interest or consideration for the population, the question was asked 'why do you vote for these dogs?' The answer 'If we don't, the wrong dog might get elected.' In other words, there ain't much difference who's there. If we wanted your degree of capitalism, no one is presenting that option any more than if you wanted our degree of government involvement and went looking for a party. Any change will be slow and I'll probably still go across the border to buy my epoxy (why not, got my wife there and she worked out well enough:).
Messages In This Thread
- Other: NAFTA; a short rant
daren neufeld -- 1/20/2002, 10:45 am- Re: thanks; this is fun!
daren neufeld -- 1/23/2002, 9:52 pm- Easy: Make Your Own
Chip Sandresky -- 1/22/2002, 6:09 pm- Free Trade.
John Monfoe -- 1/23/2002, 6:23 am
- You live in a democracy, right?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/22/2002, 5:16 pm- BTW...
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:26 pm- Re: BTW...
KenC -- 1/24/2002, 1:41 pm
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 4:49 am- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 11:28 am- Far enough off topic to be on
don flowers -- 1/23/2002, 3:33 pm- Princess Auto
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 8:25 pm- Re: Princess Auto
don flowers -- 1/24/2002, 1:20 pm- Re: Princess Auto
Greg Hughes -- 1/24/2002, 3:12 pm- Re: Princess Auto
Greg -- 1/26/2002, 10:02 am
- Re: Princess Auto
- Good score -- thanks for the info *NM*
don flowers -- 1/24/2002, 10:55 am - Re: Princess Auto
- Re: Princess Auto
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 12:11 pm - Princess Auto
- Debt? Hmm....
Richard Boyle -- 1/23/2002, 9:16 am- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:05 pm- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 5:08 pm- GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 5:36 pm- Re: GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 6:06 pm
- Re: GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
- GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 10:35 am - Re: Debt? Hmm....
- Far enough off topic to be on
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Greg Hughes -- 1/22/2002, 9:54 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
KenC -- 1/23/2002, 12:20 am- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Dale Frolander -- 1/23/2002, 2:07 am- He shoots, he scores.
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 8:34 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:01 pm- But that would be a French whine, non?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/23/2002, 5:20 pm- ROZFLMEO
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 5:42 pm
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Dale Frolander -- 1/23/2002, 3:32 pm - ROZFLMEO
- Huh
Skookum Tyee -- 1/23/2002, 2:46 am - Re: You live in a democracy, right?
- He shoots, he scores.
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
- Re: democracy, not!!
daren neufeld -- 1/22/2002, 8:06 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
don flowers -- 1/22/2002, 6:34 pm - Re: BTW...
- Re: yakima footbraces?
LeeG -- 1/20/2002, 4:13 pm- Re: yakima footbraces?
daren neufeld -- 1/20/2002, 11:25 pm- Re: ooops
LeeG -- 1/21/2002, 7:13 am
- Re: ooops
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Richard Boyle -- 1/20/2002, 3:08 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
James Neely -- 1/20/2002, 12:48 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
KenC -- 1/20/2002, 2:56 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Ross Sieber -- 1/21/2002, 2:57 am- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Richard Boyle -- 1/21/2002, 9:00 am
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Ken Sutherland -- 1/21/2002, 12:59 am- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Greg Hughes -- 1/21/2002, 3:05 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 3:57 pm- Get red cedar while you can
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 5:29 pm
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 3:56 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 3:46 pm - Get red cedar while you can
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 2:29 am - Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
don -- 1/20/2002, 3:06 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 1:51 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
don flowers -- 1/21/2002, 4:12 pm
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Easy: Make Your Own
- Re: thanks; this is fun!