Date: 1/23/2002, 10:35 am
Good mornin'
What does Hmm ... Mean? I'm still a little sleepy I guess. Does it mean that Canada is not in debt up to it's ears BECAUSE it has "ONLY deficit spent" to the tune of: 26,600CDN for each AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL CANADIAN!!! Is that supposed to be a good thing or somthin'? That's an accomplishment of "good" governmental managment, that they haven't spent you into debt quite as much as each individual US citizen? Another government is MORE reckless in spending? So what? If the fact that the US owes more per person means Canada doesn't a HUGE NATIONAL DEBT, then I am a millionaire because some guy is out in my alley right now looking for aluminum cans. Last time I checked my account though it was no richer because if this guys activities. Anyway, no offense ment to any Canadian.... Just because the US owes more per person doesn't make Canada's debt any smaller. And like it or not the US credit rating is sooooo much higher than Canada's (with good reasons) that our debt is NOT the factor for the US that it IS for Canada, EVEN given the fact that each US citizen owes some $6,200 more according to your figures. So please don't let those politocos up north get away with saying they haven't screwed Canadians because you owe less then US citizens do. It's not true! My debt IS bigger, but it cost me less than your does you because that's economics in the big picture when you compare Canada's "little" economy and power to the world's only super power (it's not just a phrase, and I don't say it cause it makes me some how a bigger or better person, it is just a fact of TODAY). The rules for each are different and Canada "feels" the "smaller" debt more than the US "feels" its bigger debt. Some things are relative, but national debts alone aren't one of 'em, I don't think.
Glad you found a good place for system 3 at a good price in Canada, I use it and like it. Think I ended up paying a little more where I bought than you did though, Ha, ha.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: NAFTA; a short rant
daren neufeld -- 1/20/2002, 10:45 am- Re: thanks; this is fun!
daren neufeld -- 1/23/2002, 9:52 pm- Easy: Make Your Own
Chip Sandresky -- 1/22/2002, 6:09 pm- Free Trade.
John Monfoe -- 1/23/2002, 6:23 am
- You live in a democracy, right?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/22/2002, 5:16 pm- BTW...
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:26 pm- Re: BTW...
KenC -- 1/24/2002, 1:41 pm
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 4:49 am- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 11:28 am- Far enough off topic to be on
don flowers -- 1/23/2002, 3:33 pm- Princess Auto
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 8:25 pm- Re: Princess Auto
don flowers -- 1/24/2002, 1:20 pm- Re: Princess Auto
Greg Hughes -- 1/24/2002, 3:12 pm- Re: Princess Auto
Greg -- 1/26/2002, 10:02 am
- Re: Princess Auto
- Good score -- thanks for the info *NM*
don flowers -- 1/24/2002, 10:55 am - Re: Princess Auto
- Re: Princess Auto
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 12:11 pm - Princess Auto
- Debt? Hmm....
Richard Boyle -- 1/23/2002, 9:16 am- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:05 pm- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 5:08 pm- GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 5:36 pm- Re: GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 6:06 pm
- Re: GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
- GNP Now? I guess my age is showing.
- Re: Debt? Hmm....
Joe -- 1/23/2002, 10:35 am - Re: Debt? Hmm....
- Far enough off topic to be on
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Greg Hughes -- 1/22/2002, 9:54 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
KenC -- 1/23/2002, 12:20 am- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Dale Frolander -- 1/23/2002, 2:07 am- He shoots, he scores.
Greg Hughes -- 1/23/2002, 8:34 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 1:01 pm- But that would be a French whine, non?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/23/2002, 5:20 pm- ROZFLMEO
Brian Nystrom -- 1/23/2002, 5:42 pm
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
Dale Frolander -- 1/23/2002, 3:32 pm - ROZFLMEO
- Huh
Skookum Tyee -- 1/23/2002, 2:46 am - Re: You live in a democracy, right?
- He shoots, he scores.
- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
- Re: democracy, not!!
daren neufeld -- 1/22/2002, 8:06 pm- Re: You live in a democracy, right?
don flowers -- 1/22/2002, 6:34 pm - Re: BTW...
- Re: yakima footbraces?
LeeG -- 1/20/2002, 4:13 pm- Re: yakima footbraces?
daren neufeld -- 1/20/2002, 11:25 pm- Re: ooops
LeeG -- 1/21/2002, 7:13 am
- Re: ooops
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Richard Boyle -- 1/20/2002, 3:08 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
James Neely -- 1/20/2002, 12:48 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
KenC -- 1/20/2002, 2:56 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Ross Sieber -- 1/21/2002, 2:57 am- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Richard Boyle -- 1/21/2002, 9:00 am
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Ken Sutherland -- 1/21/2002, 12:59 am- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Greg Hughes -- 1/21/2002, 3:05 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 3:57 pm- Get red cedar while you can
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 5:29 pm
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 3:56 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 3:46 pm - Get red cedar while you can
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Tom -- 1/21/2002, 2:29 am - Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
don -- 1/20/2002, 3:06 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
Shawn Baker -- 1/21/2002, 1:51 pm- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
don flowers -- 1/21/2002, 4:12 pm
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Re: Other: NAFTA; a short rant
- Easy: Make Your Own
- Re: thanks; this is fun!