Date: 1/24/2002, 11:04 am
: I think the glue is supposed to seep into the voids of the wood to get a good
: 'grip'...if the wood is wet (or maybe if the wood is VERY wet) the glue
: has no way of getting into the wood.
: But of course, I could be wrong.
Someone mentioned on the "veneer" thread elsewhere on the current board about using "gorilla" glue in this situation which seems to be more compatable with moisture. Don't know if it likes this much water though. The point Chris raised is probably the reason it is not a "good idea" to use carpenters glue in this way. It probably has lots of factors involved and I got lucky there. I was also counting on the epoxy and glass to make up for any lack of strength that doing it with carpenters glue may cause here. Check out the veneer thread and maybe there will come a better answer.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are still wet?
Rich D -- 1/24/2002, 1:48 am- Re: Thanks everyone. Here's how it worked.
Rich D -- 1/26/2002, 10:10 am - Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
Jay Babina -- 1/25/2002, 9:52 am - Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
Paul Lund -- 1/25/2002, 5:12 am - Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
Chris Menard -- 1/24/2002, 8:56 am- Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
Joe -- 1/24/2002, 11:04 am
- Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
- Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
Joe -- 1/24/2002, 1:55 am- Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
STEVE POLLACK -- 1/24/2002, 5:36 pm
- Re: Strip: Can I glue while steambent strips are s
- Re: Thanks everyone. Here's how it worked.