Date: 1/24/2002, 12:36 pm

: Well, I ate the whole damn bear this time. Both inside seams are glassed, and
: they look reall purdy if I do say so myself!
: Hot gluing in the tape is a wonderfully easy way to do it. I knew the tape
: wouldnt fall, so I left a couple of hours for the first side to thicken
: up, flipped the boat over and did the other side. Then, reasoning that if
: anything was to fall out of place, it would be the half of the tape on the
: deck, (it's not hot glued and gravity would be pulling on it), I left the
: boat upside down to cure overnight. I turned off the kero heater and left
: it under the boat to help keep the temps up inside the hull before I went
: to bed. The garage was about 38deg this AM and the seams are as cured as
: much as they will in 12 hours. Soooo I guess it's on to the outside seams
: today.
: I have theory about why my parts lined up as well as they did: 1. My basement
: is quite deep, and the temp/humidity is very stable down there.
: 2. I took a loooong time to build the boat. It sat with the hull 1/2 stripped
: for a year. All the strips were stored with the project.
: 3. I glassed inside and outside of both the hull and deck within about a
: week.
: 4. I'm a lucky SOB.
: So, I guess it's a boat now! ....sorta
: Here's how it looked when I pulled the wrapping off...too soon!
: For those of you who realize that if I leave the boat like this it might
: slowly pull open 'cause the epoxy isn't fully cured, yup, I remembered in
: time and put some fibre tape on here and there to nail it down..whew! The
: bear almost bit me back! LOL
Looks Good!
It's a kayak NOW!!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip:
More Bear Steaks!
James Neely -- 1/24/2002, 10:19 am- Re: Strip:
More Bear Steaks!
jim kozel -- 1/25/2002, 9:07 am- Re: Strip:
More Bear Steaks!
James Neely -- 1/25/2002, 11:40 am
- Re: Strip:
More Bear Steaks!
Rob Macks -- 1/24/2002, 12:36 pm - Re: Strip:
- Re: Strip: