Date: 1/25/2002, 3:36 pm
Try putting your sheer strips on, line them up at the line on each of your forms.
If you've got 1 form out of alignment it should be very obvious. You will see a bump or dip in the strip at that form.
I stapled the strips on and loosened up the 1 form that was out of alignment. The pressure from the strips caused the form to settle into alignment, I screwed the form back down and called it good.
Remember, the only 2 straight lines on your form is the centerline and the waterline. The chine can curve upward.
Have fun, its a journey.
Ben Staley
: I'm about where Ian is on a Guillemot single as well. I'm also having similar
: problems. I've used string to mark the centerline on the top and side of
: the strongback, but I have at least one form that won't line up. If I want
: the waterlines, chine lines and form centerlines to match I'll have to
: lower one form well past its side centerline (the midpoint of the
: 2"x4" hole). My strongback isn't nearly that far out of line. I
: guess my question would be: what else could be wrong?
: Also, once the bow is aligned and the stern is aligned, how do I align the
: stern with the bow while my reference lines are facing opposite
: directions? How close does all this alignment have to be? Exact? Close
: enough?
: As frustrated as I'm sure I sound, I'm actually having a great time working
: through all these challenges. It really feels great to use my mind and my
: hands to create something of beauty (as well as function).
: Thanks for the help, everyone; you are inspiring as well as informative!
: Rob
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Help setting up.
Ian -- 1/24/2002, 10:50 am- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Elliott -- 1/25/2002, 12:41 pm- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Ian -- 1/25/2002, 3:39 pm- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Larry C. -- 1/26/2002, 3:43 pm
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/24/2002, 12:40 pm- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Rob P -- 1/25/2002, 3:09 pm- alignment
mike allen ---> -- 1/25/2002, 4:00 pm- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Ben Staley -- 1/25/2002, 3:36 pm - Re: Strip: Help setting up.
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Ian -- 1/25/2002, 11:27 am- allignment.... *Pic*
Tom Johansen -- 1/26/2002, 8:38 am- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/25/2002, 2:38 pm- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
Ian -- 1/25/2002, 3:37 pm- Re: Oh yes, cumulative error...I've been there
Ben Staley -- 1/25/2002, 3:01 pm - Re: Oh yes, cumulative error...I've been there
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
mike allen ---> -- 1/25/2002, 1:24 pm - Re: Strip: Help setting up.
- alignment
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.
- Re: Strip: Help setting up.