Date: 1/30/2002, 4:32 pm
Thanks for the reminder of the Fox Fire books Russ,
I read them as a young boy and tried some of the things described. Great stories of how life used to be.
Of course being a young boy, the moonshine section was one of my favorites. I think the books are still in a box in the basement, I'll have to go look.
: Hi Malcolm,There is a wonderful book series called Fox fire. In which H.S.
: Students interviewed ther Grandparents for native skills and crafts that
: are being lost in the native world. Those books are never far from my
: reach.
: The whole project was a huge service to those of us who dabble in traditional
: skills.
: My thought would be msot tribes have a unique water craft design built for a
: specific purpose or kind of water.
: Instead of sendding your kids to the books first. Instead send them to go
: talk to their grand parents, and have them document there findings.
: It is more then likely that what ever they find would be of sevice to all of
: us ain boat building and would carry on a local craft wit hdeep roots. It
: may be that there are senior members of the tribe who can show you and
: your class how it was done locally. From local materials.
: Keep us apprised. I'd love to know what you find out from the true masters.
: Thanks
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Novice looking to start to build canoe
Malcolm Earney -- 1/27/2002, 11:35 pm- Send them to talk to their grandparents
!RUSS -- 1/30/2002, 4:02 pm- Re: Fox Fire
Ben Staley -- 1/30/2002, 4:32 pm- Dad told me it was only a copper wash kettle
!RUSS -- 1/30/2002, 7:55 pm- Re: Uh-Oh...... Whaddya put in the...
Rehd -- 1/30/2002, 9:52 pm
- Re: Uh-Oh...... Whaddya put in the...
- Dad told me it was only a copper wash kettle
- Re: Fox Fire
- Novice looking to start to build canoe
Paul G. -- 1/29/2002, 12:57 am - Re: Other: Novice looking to start to build canoe
Chip Sandresky -- 1/28/2002, 4:22 pm - Re: Other: Novice looking to start to build canoe
Wolf -- 1/28/2002, 1:05 am - Re: Other: Novice looking to start to build canoe
Wolf -- 1/28/2002, 12:12 am
- Send them to talk to their grandparents