Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
By:Tom Johansen
Date: 1/31/2002, 5:12 pm
Date: 1/31/2002, 5:12 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch (Shawn Baker)
: Hey Neighbor!
: That would work pretty well.
: You could also dry-fit it, and use some CA (cyanoacrylate
: "superglue") between the strips before removing them. Then epoxy
: and glass.
: Shawn Baker
Others have had good success using hot melt glue hold the strips together. Note that it wont be as strong, but the fiberglass should add more than enough strength to the hatch covers.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Replacing deck hatch
Jim Martin -- 1/31/2002, 10:17 am- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
Jim -- 1/31/2002, 11:15 am- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
Shawn Baker -- 1/31/2002, 10:40 am- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
Tom Johansen -- 1/31/2002, 5:12 pm- Re: Replacing deck hatch - hot melt glue
Shawn Baker -- 1/31/2002, 11:10 pm- Re: Replacing deck hatch - hot melt glue
daren neufeld -- 2/1/2002, 10:24 pm
- Re: Replacing deck hatch - hot melt glue
- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 11:25 am - Re: Replacing deck hatch - hot melt glue
- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch
- Re: Strip: Replacing deck hatch