Boat Building Forum

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Dr. Rot replies ....
Date: 1/31/2002, 7:01 pm
In Response To: No speculation here... (Pete Rudie)

Wow!!! that list of solvents IS a mouthfull and I WAS thinking of using this indoors. Now I would definitely look for a nice day and head outdoors for the "Soakin'". Pete you've convinced me about getting rid of the "film" before epoxying over.

Anyway Dr. Rot wrote me right back as seems to be his usual way:

"I am going to go through the thread item by item and when I think I have
something to say that might clarify things a bit, I will respond on the
thread. Thanks for bringing all this to my attention."

I wrote back and said I am sure he is busy, so no rush from us. Just want the oppertunity to hear him take these issues by the "horns" and clear things up if he can.


Messages In This Thread

Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Joe -- 1/30/2002, 8:20 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Steve Smith -- 2/1/2002, 4:38 pm
Thank you Mr. Smith
Pete Rudie -- 2/1/2002, 5:52 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Jim Chowning -- 2/1/2002, 10:40 am
Thanks for the answer
Pete Rudie -- 2/1/2002, 12:09 pm
Re: Thanks for the answer
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 12:55 pm
Re: Thanks for the answer
LeeG -- 2/1/2002, 1:41 pm
Re: Thanks for the answer
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/2/2002, 12:31 pm
Re: Thanks for the answer *Pic*
Pete Rudie -- 2/2/2002, 1:46 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Severne -- 1/31/2002, 11:52 am
Just when things looked clear...
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 9:31 pm
Re: Just when things looked clear...
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 3:01 am
Re: you are a reasonable guy
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 10:52 pm
Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 2:40 pm
Re: Greater Penetration
Chip Sandresky -- 2/1/2002, 12:45 pm
Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 2:56 pm
Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2002, 10:54 am
Good point. And it IS Softwood. *NM*
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 11:11 am
mike allen ---> -- 1/31/2002, 3:05 pm
Re: however
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 7:36 pm
Re: however
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 6:22 pm
Re: however
mike allen ---> -- 1/31/2002, 6:38 pm
I asked Dr.Rot to come and answer us HERE!
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 4:45 pm
Re: I asked Dr.Rot to come and answer us HERE!
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2002, 10:49 am
Re: Only 1/32" Penetration ???.....
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 3:01 pm
It's not really blush .....
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 1:40 am
But could it be . . .
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/31/2002, 10:33 pm
Good point,
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 11:50 pm
MORE than fair. Thanks *NM*
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 7:31 pm
Re: It's not really blush .....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 3:04 am
Re: It's not really blush .....
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 3:27 am
Re: Pure Speculation...
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/31/2002, 9:02 am
Re: Pure Speculation...
Tom Johansen -- 1/31/2002, 5:53 pm
Re: Pure Speculation...
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 8:31 pm
Re: Pure Speculation...
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 2:01 pm
Re: Pure Speculation...
LeeG -- 2/1/2002, 5:17 pm
No speculation here...
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 6:15 pm
Dr. Rot replies ....
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 7:01 pm
Re: immaculate speculation
LeeG -- 1/31/2002, 2:56 pm
Pete Rudie -- 1/31/2002, 11:21 am
Re: Limitations
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 1:49 pm
Re: Limitations
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 1/31/2002, 12:59 pm
Re: More Speculation...
Shawn Baker -- 1/31/2002, 10:46 am
Solving solvent worries
Paul G. Jacobson -- 1/30/2002, 10:50 pm
Re: Solving solvent worries
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 1:12 am
Re: Solving solvent worries
Jim Chowning/The Rot doctor -- 2/1/2002, 1:16 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
LeeG -- 1/30/2002, 8:54 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Joe -- 1/30/2002, 10:13 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
LeeG -- 1/30/2002, 11:17 pm
Re: Epoxy: Good questions
don -- 1/30/2002, 10:48 pm
Re: Epoxy: To Evaporate and Blush or not to .....
Jon Murray -- 1/30/2002, 10:35 pm