Date: 2/1/2002, 10:52 am
: Yea, I need to design a small double someday. The tricky part of adapting a
: single to a double is making the deck work out right. The step down from
: the front to the back of the cockpit doesn't happen right for a double.
: I'm adapting the Night Heron to a double for a customer now and I am
: spending an inordinant amount of time trying to create a reasonable deck
: configuration.
: One option would be to take my Fast Double and shrink it down to a more
: reasonable length, but it might not have the volume needed, but it could
: probably be fudged to work.
: That said, it is not impossible to adapt a double to a single, you just need
: to be prepared to do a lot of work to make the deck right.
Thanks Nick! It is sounding like it might be able to downsize the double. If I leave the length the same, and apply a factor to the offsets (like 85%) How would that affect stability, and how much space (between hull and deck) do I need to stay above to have enough room to fit in and be able to manuver the rudder peddles? Anything else I need to watch out for in this approach?
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
Joe -- 1/31/2002, 3:09 pm- Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 2/1/2002, 10:30 am- Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
Shawn Baker -- 2/1/2002, 11:00 am - Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 10:52 am
- Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
- Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double
Shawn Baker -- 1/31/2002, 11:13 pm- Doubles redoubled
!RUSS -- 2/1/2002, 10:08 am
- Doubles redoubled
- I stretched a GE
!RUSS -- 1/31/2002, 8:46 pm- Re: I stretched a GE
Joe -- 2/1/2002, 8:43 am
- Re: I stretched a GE
- Re: Strip: Convert Guillemot into a double