Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 2/3/2002, 8:54 pm
Date: 2/3/2002, 8:54 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew! (John Monfoe)
: Chip, I went to you site and was impressed how you made you feature strips in
: a thick section and then sliced them.
Hi John, thanks. I don't think I would do it that way again though. It's pretty hard to machine exact angles on the blocks. Even minute errors build up and show as bend and twist in the "loaf". Then those brittle joints are tough to get through the saw and on the boat without breakage. I learned my lesson; for a complex pattern it's got to be easier doing it right on the boat. I guess I'll know soon enough
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew! *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 2/2/2002, 10:34 am- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
John Monfoe -- 2/3/2002, 7:07 am- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
Chip Sandresky -- 2/3/2002, 8:54 pm
- Lookin Good! *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 2/2/2002, 2:42 pm- Re: feature strip
Don Beale -- 2/2/2002, 1:30 pm- Looks fantastic...more pics asap! *NM*
Bob Deutsch -- 2/2/2002, 12:26 pm- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
Roger Nuffer -- 2/2/2002, 10:56 am- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
Chip Sandresky -- 2/4/2002, 1:13 am
- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!
- Re: Strip: Sanded Hull, Whew!