Date: 2/7/2002, 12:22 pm
: My question is, if it doesn't blush, does that mean I don't have to sand in
: between coats? I'm sanding now to be safe but, do I REALY have to even if
: it's cured for a few days?
Those are questions best answered by your supplier... but I've never let that stop me before Epoxy (at room temperature) doesn't achieve a full cure for a few days after it is hard. See for a complete description. So you don't need to sand as long as you're in the Gel Cure or Solid Final Cure stages. The West System site (above) explains this very clearly.
: The other question is for epoxy in general. If it's mixed right and is too
: cold to cure (50 degrees or so) will it eventualy cure or is it possible
: to keep it cold enough long enough that it will stay rubbery even after
: the temperature warms up? I'd hate to have to scrape off rubbery
: fiberglass because of a week long cold spell in the garage.
I asked Larry at Raka that same question. He indicated that as long as it was mixed properly, it would eventually cure... regardless of temperature. My experience on boat #1 corroborates that. As cure time increases, so does the chance sticks, bugs, cats, spouses will get stuck in it.
Good Luck David. Let us know how it turns out.
- Chip

Messages In This Thread
- Epoxy: raka epoxy
marc machado -- 2/6/2002, 4:56 pm- Re: Epoxy: raka epoxy
Chip Sandresky -- 2/6/2002, 5:23 pm- Non Blush question
David Ross -- 2/7/2002, 10:07 am- Re: Non Blush question
Rehd -- 2/8/2002, 2:08 am- Re: Non Blush question
Pete Rudie -- 2/7/2002, 12:31 pm- Re: Non Blush question *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 2/7/2002, 12:22 pm - Re: Non Blush question
- Re: Epoxy: raka epoxy
Chris Menard -- 2/7/2002, 8:24 am - Re: Non Blush question
- Non Blush question
- Re: Epoxy: raka epoxy