Date: 2/9/2002, 1:42 am
: I've read a number of posts here of people who have mentioned that they print
: off the forms outlines on their computer. I'm curious how it is that
: people do this. I've tried imputting the vectors into Excel 2000 and
: ploting a scatter graph, but I can't seem to get it to print to 1:1 scale.
: I've also tried some CAD programs, but most of them are not very user
: friendly. Can anyone direct me to the answer for this? What software are
: people using to develope their outlines?
Here's What I did.
I plotted an XY graph in my spread sheet. (Quatro Pro) Copied and pasted it into Photo shop. Saved it as a JPG. This gave me a graph that looked like the first one in the picture. (top left) I used the move tool in photo shop to move it right up next to the rulers along the page edge, as in the second graph in the picture. (right) Then I Resized it until I got the proper dimensions. The numbers along the bottom and left edges represent inches so it is easy to line them up with the rulers along the edge. when it's correct move it back to the center of the page. graph 3 (bottom). Save it. Divide it into the number of pages necessary to fit it all, and then print.

Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Printing Form outlines
David J. Bonany -- 2/8/2002, 10:24 am- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines *Pic*
Eric -- 2/9/2002, 10:42 am- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines
David Bonany -- 2/11/2002, 7:30 pm
- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines
John Monfoe -- 2/9/2002, 6:00 am- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines
David Bonany -- 2/11/2002, 7:33 pm
- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines *Pic*
Walter -- 2/9/2002, 1:42 am- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines
Ross Sieber -- 2/8/2002, 3:13 pm - Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines
- Re: Tools: Printing Form outlines *Pic*