Re: Seeking: So many boats, So little time *Pic*
In Response To: Seeking: So many boats, So little time (Elliott)
: Hello My name is Elliott And I have A problem
Hello Elliot,
Daren gives good advice, I built a boat following Morris' book during December, If it wouldn't have been raining and duck season it would have been done a lot faster, but a month to six weeks of puttering should get you through the project, I find SOFs a lot more fun to build than S&G or strip, guess i don't like working with the epoxy.
My name is Bob and I have a problem

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: So many boats, So little time
Elliott -- 2/12/2002, 7:45 am- Re: Seeking: So many boats, So little time *Pic*
Bob -- 2/12/2002, 10:04 am- The 1st step is recognizing you have a problem *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 2/12/2002, 5:38 pm- 2nd step is in the direction of a lumberyard
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/12/2002, 11:18 pm- Re: The 1st step is recognizing you have a problem
Bob -- 2/12/2002, 6:17 pm- I can help you. Just send me ALL your lumber
Roger Nuffer -- 2/13/2002, 12:17 pm- Re: I can help you. Just send me ALL your lumber :
Bob -- 2/13/2002, 2:28 pm
- Re: No problem!
Don Beale -- 2/12/2002, 11:21 pm - Re: I can help you. Just send me ALL your lumber :
- Re: The 1st step is recognizing you have a problem
- Re: Seeking: So many boats, So little time
Elliott -- 2/12/2002, 2:37 pm - 2nd step is in the direction of a lumberyard
- Re: Seeking: So many boats, So little time
daren neufeld -- 2/12/2002, 9:38 am - The 1st step is recognizing you have a problem *NM*
- Re: Seeking: So many boats, So little time *Pic*