Date: 2/12/2002, 4:13 pm
Hey !Chip
My sanity was lost long ago, been hunting for it ever since..... part of the BB addiction I guess. I keep thinking I'm going to find my nuerel net on some isalnd off the coast, but never quite catch up to it.
Its been a neat project that went surprisngly fast. The mathmatics of predicting the dimesion changes over complex curves was interesting. I passed it off to theoretical math prof friend..... That conversation kept my mind buzzing for quite some time. His predictions proved correct, but how he got there was well......Yikes. 7 axis problems are fun to contemplate for some, but beyond that...Whew..... Easier just to measure and sand. Still it gave the nuerons something to chew on for a while.
Hey your recent strip looked pretty fab as well. Golly this board is getting down right fancy!!!!
light the fire with in!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Stripping a chain *Pic*
!RUSS -- 2/12/2002, 10:10 am- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
John Monfoe -- 2/13/2002, 4:48 am- Snatched another good idea
!RUSS -- 2/13/2002, 8:32 am
- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
Pete Rudie -- 2/13/2002, 2:11 am- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
Rick M -- 2/13/2002, 4:10 am- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
Chip Sandresky -- 2/21/2002, 12:54 pm
- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain
Chip Sandresky -- 2/12/2002, 12:14 pm- Re: Strip: Stripping the nuerons
!RUSS -- 2/12/2002, 4:13 pm
- Re: Ooh Baby That Chain Is Soo Coool! Love it!! *NM*
Steve Frederick -- 2/12/2002, 10:18 am - Snatched another good idea
- Re: Strip: Stripping a chain