: Okay, after seeing how fast RB's wherry is going together, I had to confess
: that my Ches 17 is halfway done after two years. Just curious, who out
: there can beat that? We could start a construction slacker support group
: and finish these things. Although building is fun, isn't getting it wet
: the ultimate goal here? Now it's my time to wax poetic about this with an
: old song lyric: "Most vagabonds I know don't every want to find the
: culprit that remains the object of their long relentless quest. The
: obsession's in the chasing and not the apprehending, the pursuit, you see,
: and never the arrest."
: Let's "get up off our big fat rusty dusties" (another lyric, this
: one from Joe Williams) and get these things finished! Who's with me? Did
: the Americans quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Let's
: go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: Cheers,
: Brent in Durham
I have a set of frames for a gunning dory I cut out in 1989, and the stringers and keel for a baidarka i got out in 1987 hanging in my rafters.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Oldest uncompleted kayak
Brent Curtis -- 2/16/2002, 11:24 pm- Going on 4 years with one S-O-F Longer for others
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/17/2002, 4:52 pm- Transcontinental Kayak Relays
!RUSS -- 2/17/2002, 12:50 pm- Other: Oldest uncompleted kayak
Mike Scarborough -- 2/17/2002, 12:33 pm- Re: Let's hear some more Tom Waits!
Jon Limebrook -- 2/17/2002, 11:08 am- Re: Other: Oldest uncompleted kayak
Bob -- 2/17/2002, 10:31 am- Re: Other: Oldest uncompleted kayak
Ross Sieber -- 2/17/2002, 8:48 am- Re: Toss "Animal House" in the VCR *NM*
Ken Finger -- 2/19/2002, 1:44 pm- Re: "Forget it, he's rolling" *NM*
Ross Sieber -- 2/19/2002, 2:10 pm
- Re: "Forget it, he's rolling" *NM*
- Transcontinental Kayak Relays
- Going on 4 years with one S-O-F Longer for others