Re: Strip: ready to launch 

By:John Schroeder
Date: 2/18/2002, 6:26 pm
Date: 2/18/2002, 6:26 pm
In Response To: Strip: ready to launch
*Pic* (James neely)

: Ain't she purty?
She looks really nice - and will paddle even better! I like the way you carried the pattern across the shear. Any chance you have more pictures posted somewhere?
John (who just officially launched his today. Hope to have pictures up within 2 - 3 hours )
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: ready to launch
James neely -- 2/18/2002, 5:41 pm- Re: Strip: ready to launch
Rob Macks -- 2/19/2002, 5:13 pm- Re: Strip: ready to launch
BUZZ -- 2/18/2002, 7:16 pm- Re: Strip: ready to launch
John Schroeder -- 2/18/2002, 6:26 pm- Re: Strip: ready to launch
James neely -- 2/19/2002, 8:09 am
- Re: Strip: ready to launch
- Re: Strip: ready to launch