Date: 2/19/2002, 1:34 pm

I don't know how much this will help, but all my pics are on the Web-Site at Glen-L Marine. I've just updated it today with all my glassing pictures and it takes you from cutout to glass, everything I've done during the past few months. I have also written the entire process down and they have it on another area as well, including times. If you think it might help, you can view it at: or search glen-l marine
When you get there, go to their Project Registry
Then scroll down to the alphabet and pick R for Rob-Roy.
Scroll down to my entry and click on Rob-Roy... Larry Rehd Brown.
You can follow that through to the end and it will send you to the customer photo section and my list of pics.
Or, you can just click on their Customer Photo entry on the menu and go to the customer photo galary and do the same thing. Pick R for Rob-Roy and follow it down to my entry. It will talk you to my photo album and the entire process I have gone through to this point.
Hope they will give you some incite and if there are any questions, please feel free to email me and ask.
My email address is changing in a couple of days but I will have them both for another week. Here is the new listing:
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Patsy -- 2/18/2002, 4:47 pm- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Chip Sandresky -- 2/20/2002, 7:39 pm- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Patsy -- 2/21/2002, 8:39 am- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Chip Sandresky -- 2/21/2002, 12:17 pm- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Patsy -- 2/21/2002, 12:28 pm
- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Severne -- 2/21/2002, 11:33 am - Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
- You could practice by making a pie shell
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/18/2002, 10:47 pm- Re: You could practice by making a pie shell
Patsy -- 2/19/2002, 8:18 am- Re: You could practice by making a pie shell
Rehd -- 2/19/2002, 1:06 pm- Re: Possible Help !! My Pics.
Rehd -- 2/19/2002, 1:34 pm
- Re: You could practice by making a pie shell
LeeG -- 2/19/2002, 9:17 am- Re: cranberry apple pies
Bob -- 2/19/2002, 9:30 am- Re: pie in the oven
LeeG -- 2/19/2002, 2:02 pm- Re: Around the corner
Bob -- 2/19/2002, 3:28 pm
- Re: Around the corner
- Re: pie in the oven
- Re: Possible Help !! My Pics.
- Re: You could practice by making a pie shell
Rehd -- 2/18/2002, 11:53 pm- now you've done it
Tom -- 2/18/2002, 11:42 pm - Re: You could practice by making a pie shell
- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
LeeG -- 2/18/2002, 9:52 pm- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
Patsy -- 2/19/2002, 8:06 am
- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
daren neufeld -- 2/18/2002, 8:14 pm - Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing
- Re: Seeking: Video on fiberglassing