Date: 2/24/2002, 7:02 pm
: Hi guys,
: I will be a new adept of kayaking next summer and I would like to build my
: own kayak. What would be the first thing for me to look for? Only plans? A
: kit?
: Thanks,
: Louis
As Roger and Lee have mentioned there are some good books out there and certainly it would help to know a bit about what sort of boat you like best, or rather what sort of characteristics you might be looking for.
I would think that sitting down and figuring out a basic budget would be a priority as that will somewhat determine what your limitations are. While you are doing that, you should attempt to get a little practice in some of the rentals, as was mentioned. It looks like all these boats are very similar, and looks wise, they are, but most will tell you that that is where it stops. It will depend on what you want to do with this boat.
There are many on this board that have paddled the majority of the "plastic" or glass boats and can compare them to some or most models of home-built wooden boats and/or kits.
I don't think I would suggest running out and buying any book or plans until you have an idea "what type" boat you are looking for.
Other things to think about would be work space, Tools, ability to use those tools and woodworking skills.
You might go over these things and offer them out here and let some of the more familiar folks give you some ideas.
Your size, approx. weight and shoe size ( for underdeck clearance ).
Your approx. budget limitation.
Your probable work area limitations.
Your woodworking skills.
Your tool limitiations.
Your thoughts on usage of this boat.
If you can give some ideas on these topics there are folks here that can probably pin-point exactly what boat is perfect for you. Once you get some idea what you might be looking for, then you can worry about which books are more appropriet and where to look for plans or kits.
Or, you can do what a large majority of us have done for your first boat, and just pick what you like the looks of and go for it. If it doesn't work out to be exactly what you were looking for, you build another..... and another and so on. You're gonna anyway ya know........ After about 3.. most people figure out what they really, REALLY like and then you go for it.
Hope this helps!
Messages In This Thread
- Other: New to this...
Louis -- 2/24/2002, 5:53 pm- Look for free books
Paul G. Jacobson -- 2/26/2002, 11:52 pm- Re: Other: New to this...
Ted Henry -- 2/24/2002, 8:34 pm- Re: Other: New to this...
Rehd -- 2/24/2002, 7:02 pm- Re: Other: New to this...
LeeG -- 2/24/2002, 6:18 pm- Re: Other: New to this...
Roger Nuffer -- 2/24/2002, 6:08 pm- Re: Other: New to this...
KenC -- 2/26/2002, 11:06 pm
- Re: Other: New to this...
- Look for free books