Date: 3/7/2002, 1:23 pm
Today I checked the right rubrail and things looked real nice. I mixed up 3 oz of epoxy, mixed in cabosil and smeared the paste onto the left shear line of the boat. Then I clamped the left rubrail on and screwed two nice stainless steel screws (if there is such a thing) onto the bow stem.
The bow front where the two rubrails meet is kind of funky. The bow forms a V shape as it follows from top and bottom. This results in fitting issue as the bottom edge of the rail has a tendency to overlap. Many layers of fiberglass at the bow stem created uneven surface not apparent at first sight. I'm thinking that I should use some sort of filler and then sand it down into some decent shape. Perhaps some rubber bumper would be nice (this is a beach skiff)