: Periodically I peruse the German-made tool distributors (Peck and
: Diefenbacher). They've got good quality but the prices are better on most
: items. And sometimes they have totally unique stuff - like this. At $89.40
: I might have to go for it... any way to get exercise and save electricity
: at the same time has got to be good Anybody seen one before; it looks
: like it would last a lifetime.
My German grandfather had one like this. It was sort of a hassle to use as you had to crank with one hand while holding the tool in place with the other. You can spin it up to speed and then use two hands on your tool, but it slowed down pretty quick once you started dragging the tool on the wheel.
You could probably make a foot pedal pretty easily.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Old Style Grinder *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 3/7/2002, 4:14 pm- Re: Tools: Old Style Grinder
Bob -- 3/9/2002, 7:41 am- Cheaper at Lehmans *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/8/2002, 8:37 pm- Re: Tools: Old Style Grinder
John Monfoe -- 3/8/2002, 5:32 am- Re: Y2K compliant, too!
Dean Trexel -- 3/7/2002, 6:29 pm- Re: Tools: Old Style Grinder
Shawn Baker -- 3/7/2002, 5:46 pm- Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
Chip Sandresky -- 3/7/2002, 6:02 pm- Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
Scott e. Davis -- 3/11/2002, 1:37 pm- Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
leo s -- 3/8/2002, 9:33 am- Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
don flowers -- 3/7/2002, 7:55 pm - Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
- Re: Tools: Any Recommendations
- Re: Tools: Old Style Grinder
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/7/2002, 4:59 pm - Cheaper at Lehmans *Pic*
- Re: Tools: Old Style Grinder