Date: 3/12/2002, 3:12 pm
: To prevent SPAMers from harvesting from the BBS I could make it so the email
: addresses are never displayed. So for I have choosen to display the
: addresses so people can engage in off-line discussions more easily. : : Any opinions?
I have found the ability to carry on off-line useful and most of this stuff would add unnecessary clutter to the kbbs.
Just for the record, I have not received any spam from WetDawg. While I get plenty of spam, I see no indication that it results from having my address posted on the kbbs. Curioulsy, I started getting spam on my Hotmail account the day after it was started but before I had used it. Hmmm, now who could have sold my info, or at least let someone harvest it? Even worse, I made a mistake recently by forwarding a message from the Hotmail account to my private account. I immediately experienced a surge of spam of the same obnoxious nature that occurs at the Hotmail account. So much for corporate integrity.
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 10:56 am- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
!RUSS -- 3/12/2002, 10:31 pm- The ride down is free. Getting to the put in is $ *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/13/2002, 3:03 am
- i got it, too *NM*
daren neufeld -- 3/12/2002, 8:29 pm- Got it. Read it. Enjoyed it. Who sez it's SPAM?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/12/2002, 8:03 pm- Re: Any unsolicited bulk email is SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/13/2002, 10:20 am- SPAM?i agree with you pg Jocbson hud *NM*
hudpucker -- 3/12/2002, 9:10 pm - SPAM?i agree with you pg Jocbson hud *NM*
- Looks like they targeted the suckers
Chip Sandresky -- 3/12/2002, 5:56 pm- Re: *NOSPAM*
Don Beale -- 3/12/2002, 7:18 pm
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/12/2002, 2:00 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 5:29 pm- Here's one vote for continuing
Ted Henry -- 3/12/2002, 3:12 pm- Re: Here's one vote for continuing
David Ross -- 3/13/2002, 10:44 am
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
John Fereira -- 3/12/2002, 2:48 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 5:34 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Craig -- 3/12/2002, 5:49 pm
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
- Here's one vote for continuing
- Didn't get it. Please forward a copy
Ross Leidy -- 3/12/2002, 1:23 pm- I'll send them your email
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 1:53 pm- That's what I love about this bbs...
Ross Leidy -- 3/12/2002, 2:02 pm
- That's what I love about this bbs...
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM? Yep I Got it *NM*
Ben Staley -- 3/12/2002, 12:38 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg - Nope
Chip Sandresky -- 3/12/2002, 12:20 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg
Chris Menard -- 3/12/2002, 1:24 pm- Yup, got it *NM*
Bob -- 3/12/2002, 12:39 pm - Yup, got it *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Rehd -- 3/12/2002, 11:48 am- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/12/2002, 11:45 am - The ride down is free. Getting to the put in is $ *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?