: Anyone else get spammed by WetDawg? I got it on the account I post for this
: BBS.
I got an e-mail from WetDawg, and assumed that someone on this board was kindly inviting me to join their group with a first descent of some creek in Nepal.
The other kayak related events mentioned in the e-mail seemed well focused on topics that I enjoy. Although I did not sign up for any notification servicewith these people, I have no objections to receiving an occasional memo from them about upcoming events.
I scanned the note, figured I couldn't afford the money or time for any of them, and went on to the next note -- which I think was from someone named "foxy" who has a 24 hr webcam aimed at her and her friends. Now that was spam. and the one after that was for another person named Jacobson who has a similar e-mail address to mine.
Seriously, I get a lot of unsolicited mail and e-mail, and I find that people who have taken the time to research my interests, and send me something that related to what I do, are actually expanding my knowledge, not wasting my time.
For example: A woodworking catalog from some hardware store in Boise is nowhere near me, but if they have a source of stainless steel "t" nuts that they are selling thru mail order, then I'm interested in looking through their (unsolicited and free) catalog. I may never order from them, but it was their expense to try and interest me in their company. This is what free enterprise is all about. They are trying to build their business and I applaud the effort.
If they ever bury me under five or ten e-mails a week i'll ask them to cut back, or stop. But otherwise, I didn't mind in the leas receiving the e-mail from Wetdawg. I was kind flattered that they thought I deserved to be included.
Just my feelings on this
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 10:56 am- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
!RUSS -- 3/12/2002, 10:31 pm- The ride down is free. Getting to the put in is $ *NM*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/13/2002, 3:03 am
- i got it, too *NM*
daren neufeld -- 3/12/2002, 8:29 pm- Got it. Read it. Enjoyed it. Who sez it's SPAM?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 3/12/2002, 8:03 pm- Re: Any unsolicited bulk email is SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/13/2002, 10:20 am- SPAM?i agree with you pg Jocbson hud *NM*
hudpucker -- 3/12/2002, 9:10 pm - SPAM?i agree with you pg Jocbson hud *NM*
- Looks like they targeted the suckers
Chip Sandresky -- 3/12/2002, 5:56 pm- Re: *NOSPAM*
Don Beale -- 3/12/2002, 7:18 pm
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 3/12/2002, 2:00 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 5:29 pm- Here's one vote for continuing
Ted Henry -- 3/12/2002, 3:12 pm- Re: Here's one vote for continuing
David Ross -- 3/13/2002, 10:44 am
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
John Fereira -- 3/12/2002, 2:48 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 5:34 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
Craig -- 3/12/2002, 5:49 pm
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM
- Here's one vote for continuing
- Didn't get it. Please forward a copy
Ross Leidy -- 3/12/2002, 1:23 pm- I'll send them your email
Shawn Baker -- 3/12/2002, 1:53 pm- That's what I love about this bbs...
Ross Leidy -- 3/12/2002, 2:02 pm
- That's what I love about this bbs...
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM? Yep I Got it *NM*
Ben Staley -- 3/12/2002, 12:38 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg - Nope
Chip Sandresky -- 3/12/2002, 12:20 pm- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg
Chris Menard -- 3/12/2002, 1:24 pm- Yup, got it *NM*
Bob -- 3/12/2002, 12:39 pm - Yup, got it *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Rehd -- 3/12/2002, 11:48 am- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?
Kent LeBoutillier -- 3/12/2002, 11:45 am - The ride down is free. Getting to the put in is $ *NM*
- Re: Off Topic: SPAM from WetDawg?