Re: S&G: Joining panels
By:George F. Johnson
Date: 3/13/2002, 9:18 am
Date: 3/13/2002, 9:18 am
In Response To: S&G: Joining panels (Barry Adams)
This issue arose when some builders complained of "cloudiness" of the taped joint. The solution I used for the deck of my Arctic Tern was to reinforce the inside of the joint with a 2 inch wide strip of plywood, then remove the outer tape. No need to sand though, just work a sharp knife or razor blade under the tape to lift the edge and you can peel it right off. I left the tape on the hull seams and after varnishing the boat, one has to look closely to see the difference.
George F. Johnson
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Joining panels
Barry Adams -- 3/13/2002, 8:43 am- Re: S&G: Joining panels
George F. Johnson -- 3/13/2002, 9:18 am- Re: S&G: Joining panels
Gini -- 3/13/2002, 9:47 am- Re: Perhaps I should have added...
George F. Johnson -- 3/13/2002, 9:41 am - Re: Perhaps I should have added...
- Re: S&G: Joining panels
- Re: S&G: Joining panels