Date: 4/2/2002, 11:38 am
Are we preserving varnish, or making Molotov Cocktails in those
: glass mason jars?
: Why not just mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of vinegar in
: a plastic cup, and pour off the resulting carbon dioxide. You won't see
: it, or smell it, but just hold the cup at a slight angle over your open
: jar and, while the baking soda fizzes, the CO2 will flow out of the mixing
: cup and into the varnish can, displacing the air. Don't pour any of the
: vinegar/baking soda mix into the varnish can -- jsut the fumes that come
: off of it. To check that you really are getting some CO2 from your
: "brew", move well away from your paints, finishes and solvents,
That's the home brew I forgot the recipe for. I'll give it a try.
LP works great - just dont light it.
: and light a match. You should be able to extinguish it with the gas coming
: out of your mixing cup.
: You can also get CO2 from a soda bottle. Pop open a fresh drink and pour the
: excess CO2 into your varnish can when you finish for the day, then drink
: the soda. Did I mention that you get CO2 from fermented beverages like
: beer, too?
: Hope this helps
Messages In This Thread
- Material: Which varnish and how much?
Rich D -- 3/30/2002, 1:24 pm- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
Rob Macks -- 3/31/2002, 2:41 pm- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
LeeG -- 3/31/2002, 10:02 am- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
daren neufeld -- 3/31/2002, 8:28 am- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
Greg Hughes -- 3/31/2002, 6:31 am- Re: how much varnish
Rod Tait -- 3/30/2002, 3:35 pm- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
Robert -- 3/30/2002, 2:32 pm- Re: yellow tint, and storage
Don Beale -- 3/31/2002, 12:03 pm- C O two, a sealing brew, direct to you.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/1/2002, 10:45 pm- Re: Molotov cocktails
Don Beale -- 4/2/2002, 11:38 am- Re: or.....
daren neufeld -- 4/1/2002, 11:18 pm - Re: or.....
- Clear, untinted varnish
Gini -- 4/1/2002, 9:57 am- Re: yellow tint, and storage
Robert -- 3/31/2002, 6:29 pm- fitting a paddle is like fitting shoes
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/2/2002, 12:44 am- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
jim kozel -- 4/2/2002, 8:40 am- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
Robert -- 4/2/2002, 10:36 am- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
risto -- 4/2/2002, 12:08 pm- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
Robert -- 4/2/2002, 3:18 pm- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
risto -- 4/3/2002, 11:13 am
- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
- Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
- Re: paddles
Don Beale -- 4/1/2002, 4:38 pm - Re: fitting a paddle like changing gears
- Re: Molotov cocktails
- C O two, a sealing brew, direct to you.
- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?
- Re: Material: Which varnish and how much?