Date: 4/2/2002, 3:12 pm
: Great! Put it back in the box and send it on up! I'll give you a full review
: .
: Thanks,
: Bihll
O.K. Bill, I was lyin' a bit. It weren't free, zactly!! I was forced to buy a DeWalt 12" thickness planer for $375.00 to get the R.O.S. free! ??? Seemed like a good deal at the time. Already plugged it in and it hummed like a champ! Now I'm gonna check out the sander.
Yep! It hums as well.
Gonna head on over to Home Depot and get a piece of redwood and some other goodies and test that wash-coat idea. By the way, the S.S. ...... ( what DID you name that submarine ) is looking really good.
O.K., now.... all kiddin' aside, I'm not sure that sander was such a good " gift ". As it turns out, they sent along a couple of rubberized seal/bushings that goe between the sander body and oscillating pad and a warning that it needs to be changed once in a while as it will wear out. ??? Seems like they found a flaw in their merchandise and now are unloading them on folks as a gift in order to get us to purchase their " last years Model " planer. New Models are on the floor now. But, will wait and see how it works out before I start kickin' myself in the butt!!! The price still seems right!
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: It's Time .. It's Time !!!! R2K2 Alert
Rehd -- 4/1/2002, 3:11 am- Re: Announce: It's Time .. It's Time !!!! R2K2 Ale
Mike Hanks -- 4/1/2002, 12:25 pm- Re: Upper camp or lower?
Don Beale -- 4/1/2002, 10:07 am- Re: Upper camp or lower?
John Schroeder -- 4/1/2002, 12:27 pm- Re: Which end of the lower campground?
Shawn Baker -- 4/1/2002, 10:22 am- Re: AAAAIIIIGGGGHHH!!!!
Shawn Baker -- 4/1/2002, 3:50 pm- Re: AAAAIIIIGGGGHHH!!!!
Rehd -- 4/1/2002, 9:49 pm- ROS!!!!
Bill Price -- 4/2/2002, 2:39 pm- Re: ROS!!!!
Rehd -- 4/2/2002, 3:12 pm- Re: ROS!!!!
Bill Price -- 4/2/2002, 5:53 pm
- Re: ROS!!!!
Shawn Baker -- 4/1/2002, 10:35 pm - Re: ROS!!!!
Val Wann -- 4/1/2002, 8:59 pm- Re: Jefferson County Park & Ride
Shawn Baker -- 4/1/2002, 10:32 pm- Re: Jefferson County Park & Ride
Val Wann -- 4/1/2002, 11:03 pm
- Re: Jefferson County Park & Ride
- Re: Full ?!?
Don Beale -- 4/1/2002, 4:35 pm- Re: Full ?!?
Jim Horlacher -- 4/1/2002, 5:03 pm- Re: Full ?!?
Mike Hanks -- 4/1/2002, 6:24 pm
- Re: Full ?!?
Ben Staley -- 4/1/2002, 4:27 pm - ROS!!!!
- Re: Which end of the lower campground?
- Re: Announce: It's Time .. It's Time !!!! R2K2 Ale
John Schroeder -- 4/1/2002, 8:41 am - Re: Upper camp or lower?
- Re: Announce: It's Time .. It's Time !!!! R2K2 Ale