Re: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down? *Pic*
By:John Monfoe
Date: 4/3/2002, 4:32 am
Date: 4/3/2002, 4:32 am
In Response To: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down? (rb)
Upside down or right side up? I asked that question when I was ready to transport my kayak and nearly everyone said deck side up but I never got a reason for it. My reasons for transporting mine upside down (I didn’t have a cockpit cover were), in a heavy rain you would have the mess of draining the kayak. This happened to me and two other guys on a trip to Canada that collapse the car roof. Coming back from a trip last fall I got into some heavy rains that could have caused me some problems if my kayak had been deck side up.

Messages In This Thread
- Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down?
rb -- 4/2/2002, 9:57 pm- gunwales down
Brad Farr -- 4/3/2002, 9:57 pm- Re: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down?
Chip Sandresky -- 4/3/2002, 12:26 pm- Re: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down?
Jim Reid -- 4/3/2002, 5:42 am- Re: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down? *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 4/3/2002, 4:32 am - Re: Other: Cartopping Wherry bottomside down?
- gunwales down