Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples *Pic*
In Response To: Strip: Best way to remove staples (JJ Atkinson)
: I have just finished putting in the last strip on my deck and I now need to
: remove all the $%#&* staples. (This first boat is for my wife so I decided
: to make my life easier and use staples - mine will be done without all the
: holes!). What has everyone found is the best way to get all those staples
: out without damaging the wood?
I use a heavy duty staple remover I got at a stationary store. It is very easy and effective. The cost was less thatn $10.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Best way to remove staples
JJ Atkinson -- 4/6/2002, 1:41 pm- try one of these *Pic*
luke -- 4/9/2002, 6:29 pm- Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples
Stephan Bradley -- 4/8/2002, 12:39 pm- Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/8/2002, 10:15 am- Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples
David A. Bryson -- 4/7/2002, 2:41 pm- Re: Church Key
Ken -- 4/6/2002, 9:42 pm- Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples
!RUSS -- 4/6/2002, 6:59 pm- Re: what's a staple?
daren neufeld -- 4/6/2002, 5:13 pm- Re: Put in Drawer... Glue Drawer Shut !! *NM*
Rehd -- 4/10/2002, 11:51 am- Re: Staple Puller *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 4/6/2002, 8:57 pm - Re: Staple Puller *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Best way to remove staples
- try one of these *Pic*