Date: 4/12/2002, 12:15 pm
Great idea John. Wow there's a whole lot a in-lay going on! Cool! And now your putting rocks in your boat..... Look out world creativity strikes anew! Some very cool stuff being tossed up on the board of late. Must be spring!!!!!
John, That's a real interesting piece. I think its not an arrow head though. It something just as cool though. If I was guessing I would say that is a hide scraper. I have found a couple of them and have one I still use. From the looks of it it might have started out as the back end of a spear point. It was SOP that after points broke they were often recycled into other tools. Looks to me like this one became a hide scraper.
Typically scrapers were used to flense fat and meat scraps of off blue hides. So they could be tanned for and used as fabric, cordage etc.
The original stone point was a hunter's tool. Typically the hide scraper was a woman's tool. So you have the spirit of lady going with ya now. So much for solo trips. I hope you two have a long and woderful voyage! This is going to be a cool detail. Sort of an amulet for your boat!
I love it!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Inlay material *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 4/8/2002, 1:00 pm- Re: Strip: More Inlay material *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 4/8/2002, 4:40 pm- Re: Strip: More Inlay material
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2002, 5:33 pm- Re: Strip: Inlay material *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 4/8/2002, 5:49 pm- Re: Strip: Inlay material
Shawn Baker -- 4/8/2002, 7:58 pm- Re: Strip: Deck strength
Scott Ferguson -- 4/9/2002, 12:41 pm- Re: Strip: Deck strength
Shawn Baker -- 4/9/2002, 5:29 pm- Staying in the gene pool
Ted Henry -- 4/9/2002, 5:53 pm- Re: Staying in the gene pool
Shawn Baker -- 4/9/2002, 7:04 pm- Re: Staying in the gene pool
Ted Henry -- 4/9/2002, 7:44 pm
- Re: Staying in the gene pool
- Re: Staying in the gene pool
- Staying in the gene pool
- Re: Strip: Inlay material
!RUSS -- 4/9/2002, 8:04 am- Re: Strip: Inlay material
Scott Ferguson -- 4/9/2002, 12:48 pm- Re: Strip: Inlay material
!RUSS -- 4/11/2002, 4:18 pm- Re: Strip: Inlay material
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/12/2002, 7:43 pm- kayaking through a protest march
!RUSS -- 4/15/2002, 12:40 pm
- Re: Strip: Inlay material *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 4/12/2002, 7:24 am- That's a hide scraper!
!RUSS -- 4/12/2002, 12:15 pm- Re: That's a hide scraper!
John Monfoe -- 4/13/2002, 6:31 am- shhhhh-don't tell
Tom -- 4/13/2002, 10:38 am- Re: shhhhh-don't tell
John Monfoe -- 4/14/2002, 7:43 am
- Re: shhhhh-don't tell
- Re: Blue hides
Scott e. Davis -- 4/12/2002, 1:24 pm- Re: Blue hides/green hides/white hides
!RUSS -- 4/15/2002, 1:45 pm- Re: Blue hides/green hides/white hides
Scott e. Davis -- 4/16/2002, 1:20 pm- Impressive people on this board. Wow *NM*
John Monfoe -- 4/16/2002, 6:36 am - Impressive people on this board. Wow *NM*
- Re: Blue hides/green hides/white hides
- shhhhh-don't tell
- Re: That's a hide scraper!
- kayaking through a protest march
- Re: Strip: Inlay material
- Re: Strip: Inlay material
- Re: Strip: Deck strength
- Re: Strip: Deck strength
- Re: Strip: Inlay material
- Re: Strip: Inlay material *Pic*
- Re: Strip: More Inlay material
- Re: Strip: More Inlay material *Pic*