Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: Football
Date: 4/14/2002, 10:53 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Football (Steve Frederick)

: How about cutting a cove/cove strip for each side of the football. Then you
: will have coves to fit to. Cutting beads at the ends would be
: easier...Watch the nuckles!!! I knicked mine alot with the plane!! See
: Nick's book for a detailed discription of the process. Hope this helps.
: Good Luck, Steve

Steves suggestion of running a double cove in the football area is certainly the better way to go.

I have also delt with it by leaving my router set up with the coving bit. When I needed to put a cove on the bevled end of a strip a just ran it across the router. Getting the proper depth was basically by feel since the coved section is so short that you can't keep it against the fence. I would then touch it up, if needed, with a chain saw file. It worked very nicely for me and was very quick.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: Football
KenC -- 4/14/2002, 9:11 pm
Re: Strip: Football
Steve Frederick -- 4/14/2002, 9:30 pm
Re: Strip: Football
Tom -- 4/14/2002, 10:53 pm