Paddle rest photo - here it is Matthew *Pic*
By:Joe Greenley
Date: 4/15/2002, 11:00 pm
Date: 4/15/2002, 11:00 pm
In Response To: Seeking: Paddle rest photo? (Matthew Bowman)
: A while back someone posted a photo of a solid wood paddle rest. I cannot
: seem to find it in the archive.
Hello Matthew,
Is this is what you are looking for?
Redfish Kayaks

Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Paddle rest photo?
Matthew Bowman -- 4/15/2002, 9:36 pm- Paddle rest photo - here it is Matthew *Pic*
Joe Greenley -- 4/15/2002, 11:00 pm- Thanks Joe, Rehd, John
Matthew Bowman -- 4/16/2002, 12:58 am- Re: Paddle rest photo - here it is Matthew
John Skinner -- 4/16/2002, 12:33 am - Re: Paddle rest photo - here it is Matthew
- Re: Seeking: Paddle rest photo?
John Skinner -- 4/15/2002, 10:34 pm- Re: Seeking: Paddle rest photo?
Rehd -- 4/15/2002, 10:16 pm - Thanks Joe, Rehd, John
- Paddle rest photo - here it is Matthew *Pic*