Boat Building Forum

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you could use dowels
By:Paul G. Jacobson
Date: 4/17/2002, 10:19 pm

: . . .What do you guys think of cutting a couple dozen plugs,
: drilling holes in a strip and gluing them in? Would plug cutters give me
: good results or should I try something else?

: Just thought this would be a easy way to put 1/4 - 5/8 diametre decorations
: into a strip.

YOu could always use a dowel cut into lengths that are a bit more than the thickness of your strips -- but those little pieces tend to go all over the place.

Make a strip of contrasting colored wood that is a bit thicker (5/16ths) than your regular strips and cut your plugs from that. Put a block of wood under it on your drill press so you don;t dull the plug cutter as you drill cut through it. That should eliminate cutting lengths of dowel, and not leave a lot to sand.

If your plug cutter is tapered then your plugs will be slightly wider at one end than at the other. If you try to spped things up by cutting through a stack of two thicknesses of wood srips at the same time the tapering action will affect the top strip differently than the bottom strip in the stack, and your plugs will not be the same diameter.

Check carefully for fit before you make too many.

Inserting the "dots" into a strip, gluing them in, and then sanding them flush with the strip before installing the strip in the boat might save some time.


: P.S. First Post! I've graduated from lurker to newbie.

welcome :)

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Plug cutters for deck inlay?
A_M_P -- 4/17/2002, 9:17 pm
Ooops.... it keeps cutting off my post.
A_M_P -- 4/17/2002, 9:27 pm
Re: Ooops.... it keeps cutting off my post.
John Monfoe -- 4/18/2002, 2:45 am
you could use dowels
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/17/2002, 10:19 pm