Date: 4/23/2002, 5:37 pm
: I stitched-and-glued a Pygmy Arctic Tern 14 a year ago. I love the boat, I
: love having built it myself. Now I'd like to build a strip boat (having
: never done one before). In particular, I'd like to duplicate a touring
: kevlar boat I own and have paddled for a couple years. My question: how
: best to create the forms from scratch (without dissembling the original
: kayak) and then line them up accurately on the stronghold. -- Thanks, John
That is a job for the first timer. But you setup an external frame with the kayak mounted on a sturdy table/strongback and take accurate measurements from the outside every 2" or so in vertical height and spaced about every 12" down the kayak. Transfer the sizes to a CAD program and connect the dots with a drawing program. You can make it more accurate by taking more measurements. Allow for the thickness of the material to build.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Forms from Scratch
John Boeschen -- 4/23/2002, 4:56 pm- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
John Boeschen -- 4/26/2002, 2:36 pm- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
Andy Waddington -- 4/28/2002, 3:37 pm
- shape offset ideas
mike allen ---> -- 4/24/2002, 1:22 pm- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
John Monfoe -- 4/24/2002, 6:42 am- Forms from Scratch - offsets *Pic*
jim kozel -- 4/23/2002, 10:16 pm- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/23/2002, 9:02 pm- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
David Hanson -- 4/23/2002, 5:37 pm- Re: Strip: Forgot a Step
Chip Sandresky -- 4/23/2002, 5:55 pm- Never Assume anything
David Hanson -- 4/23/2002, 5:59 pm
- Never Assume anything
- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch
- Re: Strip: Forms from Scratch