Date: 4/26/2002, 10:04 pm

Hello, Paul-
: No angels, no dancing and no pins needed. Maybe a needle and thread.
: The answer to your ruminations about kayak "skins" is contained in
: the very wording of your pondering: think skin. Original kayaks were not
: hard-sided, but were soft sided. They were covered with animal skins. Now
: we use woven fabrics.
: There is obviously a great deal of difference in stiffness, strength and
: flexibility characteristics between woods and fibers. I wouldn't even try
: to compare them. Nor would I make any attempts at comparing the more
: complicated composite structures with the physical properties of a sheet
: of cotton or dacron fabric.
: Next time you get out your sander for a few hours of mind-numbing work,
: consider the ultimate question: How strong is "strong enough"?
: Since you like to do math in your head, try these numbers: Figure the average
: force exerted on the skin of a fully loaded kayak.
: Since I'm not fond of doing calculus in my head, I'd estimate this number,
: starting by making a few assumptions. First, I'd work with an 18 foot long
: kayak that had a beam of 24 inches, and which drew 6 inches of water when
: loaded with 400 pounds of paddler and gear. That is fairly close to real
: life. Again, to keep the math simple I'd assume this boak had few curvesto
: speak of, and that the hull was shaped like a long diamond, and had
: straight sides rising from a flat bottom. The area of the bottom therefore
: could be calculated as teh area of a diamond 18 feet long and 24 inches (
: 2 feet) wide. A little exmintion of the situation shows that this is the
: same as the area of a rectangle 1 foot wide and 18 feet long, so I
: calculate a bottom area of 18 square feet.
: Now, I could further calculate the height of the sides that are submerged (6
: inches or 1/2 a foot, multiplied by the length of one side of the diamond
: (that would be the hypotenuse of a 9 foot long and 1 foot high right
: triangle, or the square root of 82), and then multiply that number by 4.
: I'll multiply the 1/2 and the 4 first to get 2 and then fugure the
: hypotenuse as a tad over 9, so my total submerged sides would be another
: 18 square feet. So far I have 36 square feet under water, and suporting
: 400 pounds of gera and paddler. I'm going to now simplify things a lot,
: and remember that a real kayak has rounded edges ans not sharp square
: sides. Those curves cover quite a bit less area than what I've calculated,
: so i'm going to round things down to an estimate of 20 to 25 square feet
: of surface underwater.
: With 20 square feet of surface and 400 pounds of contents being displaced,
: the pressure per square foot is 20 pounds. With 25 square feet of surface
: the pressure is 16 pounds per square foot. Now common measurements for
: pressure are in pounds per square inch or PSI. There are 144 square inches
: in a square foot, so, for the smallest area I'm estimating I can divide 20
: by 144 and get a pressure on the hull of a whopping one-seventh of a pound
: per square inch. And for the largest surface area I'm estimating, it is 16
: divided by 144, or about one-ninth of a pound per square inch.
: Those are average loads, but I have tow other matters to deal with. One is
: water pressure. At a depth of 6 inches the water pressure on the bottom
: will be about 1/4 pound or 4 ounces per square inch. That is roughly twice
: the average load given above, and I figure it this way. From my diving
: experience I know that pressure of the water is about 1 atmoshpere, or
: about 15 psi at a depth of 33 to 34 feet (depends on salt- or
: fresh-water). That means that for each foot of depth the water pressure
: increases a bit less than 1/2 pound per square inch. with 6 inches of
: depth I take a half of that.
: Then there is the possibility of connecting with an object. We have to know
: how much weight is going to be concentrated on how small of an area.
: and here is where I leave you to do the rest of the math.
I figured that if I got back on that sander, I'd get in even deeper than I am now.
I did have the day off, though, and it wasn't raining for a change, so I milled a few cull cherry logs I had laying around, and tried to crunch a few. Numbers, that is.
Stress=force/area. If your 400 pound boat hits a rock with a needle sticking out of it, the loads on the hull approach infinity.
After I got that out of the way, Cara and I took the new boats out for her first float. She loved it and was happy, so I'm happy, of course.
And it was strong enough
: Have fun, and concentrate on the sanding
Messages In This Thread
- Launching: photos?
Mike Loriz -- 4/23/2002, 9:16 pm- Another pic
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 10:40 am- Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 2:18 pm- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Sam McFadden -- 4/25/2002, 12:56 am- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Mike Loriz -- 4/25/2002, 9:17 am- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Sam McFadden -- 4/25/2002, 11:27 am- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Andy -- 4/27/2002, 11:09 pm- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Sam McFadden -- 4/28/2002, 9:52 pm
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Mike Loriz -- 4/25/2002, 1:07 pm- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Sam McFadden -- 4/25/2002, 11:39 pm- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 10:15 pm- Other species
Sam McFadden -- 4/27/2002, 12:09 pm- Re: Other species
Mike Loriz -- 4/28/2002, 9:10 pm- Re: Other species
Sam McFadden -- 4/28/2002, 9:45 pm- Re: Other species *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/29/2002, 9:14 am- Re: Other species
Sam McFadden -- 4/29/2002, 5:27 pm
- Re: Other species
- Re: Other species *Pic*
- Re: Other species
- Go with the old wood/canvas canoe model
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/27/2002, 12:48 am- Re: Go with the old wood/canvas canoe model
Mike Loriz -- 4/28/2002, 8:49 pm
- Re: Other species
- Re: All Wood
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/26/2002, 10:06 am - Other species
- No angels, pins or dancing needed
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/25/2002, 9:10 pm- Re: No angels, pins or dancing needed
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 10:04 pm- Re: No angels, pins or dancing needed
Sam McFadden -- 4/25/2002, 11:24 pm - Re: No angels, pins or dancing needed
- I would like jump in here
David Hanson -- 4/25/2002, 4:51 pm- What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strips?
John Monfoe -- 4/26/2002, 7:22 am- Re: What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strip
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 9:42 pm- Re: What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strip
John Monfoe -- 4/27/2002, 6:17 am
- Re: What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strip
David Hanson -- 4/26/2002, 11:44 am - Re: What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strip
- Use both feet
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/25/2002, 9:58 pm- Re: I would like jump in here
Mike Loriz -- 4/25/2002, 9:40 pm- Now we are getting somewhere
David Hanson -- 4/26/2002, 11:36 am- Re: Now we are getting somewhere
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 9:33 pm
- Re: I would like jump in here
Andreas -- 4/26/2002, 10:44 am- Re: I would like jump in here
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 9:04 pm- Re: The Wood Matters *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/26/2002, 12:48 pm- Its a bird its a plane its a .....?
!RUSS -- 4/26/2002, 5:34 pm- Re: Its a bird its a plane its a .....? *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/28/2002, 11:55 am
- Re: The Wood Matters - You are right
Andreas -- 4/26/2002, 2:47 pm- Re: Credit *Pic*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/26/2002, 5:16 pm- Re: Credit
Andreas -- 4/26/2002, 6:16 pm- Re: Delamination
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/28/2002, 12:41 pm- Re: Delamination
Mike Loriz -- 4/28/2002, 10:43 pm- Re: Delamination
Sam McFadden -- 4/30/2002, 12:08 am- Re: Delamination
Mike Loriz -- 4/30/2002, 12:37 pm
- Re: Delamination
- Re: Delamination
- Re: Delamination
- Re: Delamination
- Re: Credit
- Re: Its a bird its a plane its a .....? *Pic*
- Calculations
Sam McFadden -- 4/26/2002, 12:43 pm- Re: Calculations
Mike Loriz -- 4/26/2002, 9:19 pm
- Re: The Wood Matters *Pic*
- Re: Now we are getting somewhere
- Re: What about using 1/8" Red Elm for strong strip
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Newbie - Not!
Chip Sandresky -- 4/24/2002, 3:05 pm- Re: Newbie - Not!
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 7:06 pm- Re: Newbie - Not!
Steve Frederick -- 4/24/2002, 10:22 pm- Re: Newbie - Not!
Mike Loriz -- 4/25/2002, 8:44 am
- Re: Newbie - Not!
- Re: Newbie - Not!
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Re: Launching: photos?
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 10:35 am- Re: Launching: photos?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/24/2002, 9:35 am- Re: Launching: photos?
Bobby Curtis -- 4/23/2002, 11:14 pm- Re: Launching: photos?
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 7:00 pm
- Doh!!
Sam McFadden -- 4/23/2002, 11:01 pm- Re: Launching: photos?
daren neufeld -- 4/23/2002, 10:29 pm- Great!
Sam McFadden -- 4/23/2002, 10:55 pm- Re: Great!
Mike Loriz -- 4/24/2002, 6:57 pm
- Re: Great!
- Re: Launching: photos?
John Schroeder -- 4/23/2002, 10:17 pm- Re: Launching: photos?
Ronnie -- 4/23/2002, 9:28 pm - Newbie contruction review, hardwood difs
- Another pic