Re: Tools: Trial and Error 

By:Chip Sandresky
Date: 5/8/2002, 12:54 pm
Date: 5/8/2002, 12:54 pm
In Response To: Tools: Still a Tool Idiot and Update on S&G Canoe (Patsy)
: it was a frustrating evening.
Hey, it happens. These steps seem simple in your mind's eye but when you go to execute them... well, sometimes it's a different story We've all been there.
: Something tells me this
: canoe is NOT going to be ready for the wedding on June 15.
It takes a certain amount of endurance. Forget time constraints. If you're like me, you'll spend half the time admiring the beauty of it. The further along you get, the more time you spend just gawking at it. Hang in there Patsy, it will be a great experience.
- Chip
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Still a Tool Idiot and Update on S&G Canoe
Patsy -- 5/8/2002, 9:16 am- Veritas spokeshave
Brian Nystrom -- 5/8/2002, 1:50 pm- Re: Veritas spokeshave
Patsy -- 5/8/2002, 2:09 pm
- Re: Tools: Trial and Error
Chip Sandresky -- 5/8/2002, 12:54 pm- Re: Tools: Trial and Error
Patsy -- 5/8/2002, 2:12 pm
- Re: Tools: Still a Tool Idiot and Update on S&G Ca
Jay Babina -- 5/8/2002, 9:47 am- Re: Tools: Still a Tool Idiot and Update on S&G Ca
Patsy -- 5/8/2002, 2:14 pm
- Re: Veritas spokeshave
- Veritas spokeshave