Boat Building Forum

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Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
By:Craig Bethune
Date: 7/17/2002, 9:58 pm
In Response To: Seeking: Car topping solutions (canary)

Yakima has a system that uses two mounts within the space of your door to support an extension rod that locates a support farther back. I haven't used it, but my rack system (used for skis and bikes for my last three or four cars) has worked well. I didn't check the Thule website, but they may have something similar.

The details are on their web site; browse around on the car racks section. Hopefully the link posted below should work for you.


: I've been trying to find a way to car top my yak on a 2 door Sentra. I'm
: kinda partial to the car, and don't want to tear it up too bad. I keep
: trying to beat down the Okie in me and put away the duct tape and safety
: wire.

: I can put one rack over the doors, but what to do about #2. Placing both on
: the door yields a rack that is only 18-20" apart and shifts the boat
: forward a lot. So how do I mount some rain gutters on the roof that will
: have sufficient strength to support 1, maybe 2 kayaks on the freeway?
: Could I use something like liquid steel and glue them on (assuming I
: stripped the paint off where they would go)? I would think that the roof
: of the car is stronger than a camper shell, but I am loathe to drill a
: hole and cut the headliner to place a bolt through the roof. Assuming bow
: and stern are secured so the boats won't shift laterally, how much support
: in the middle is necessary?

: Many thanks to the collective voice. Many minds are better than one.

: Larry

Messages In This Thread

Seeking: Car topping solutions
canary -- 7/17/2002, 5:19 pm
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Dale -- 8/29/2003, 8:24 am
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Dale -- 8/29/2003, 8:25 am
No more small car :)
Larry -- 8/29/2003, 11:38 am
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/19/2002, 12:21 am
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
canary -- 7/19/2002, 1:50 pm
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Craig Bethune -- 7/17/2002, 9:58 pm
Re: Seeking: Yakima Q Stretch Kit *Pic*
Mike Hanks -- 7/19/2002, 1:28 pm
Re: Seeking: Yakima Q Stretch Kit
canary -- 7/19/2002, 1:48 pm
Re: Seeking: Yakima Q Stretch Kit *Pic*
John Monroe -- 7/20/2002, 5:34 am
Re: Homemade gutterless clip *NM* *Pic*
John Monroe -- 7/20/2002, 5:37 am
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Jeff H -- 7/17/2002, 7:44 pm
Re: Seeking: Car topping solutions
Ross Sieber -- 7/17/2002, 5:23 pm