Re: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood *Pic*
By:Ross Leidy
Date: 8/3/2002, 2:38 pm
Date: 8/3/2002, 2:38 pm
In Response To: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood (Mike)
I used redwood and cedar on my Guillemot and there's a definite color difference. The lighter area around the cockpit is the cedar (of various colors).
: Hi Folks: Has anybody done graphics on a deck using red cedar and redwood? I
: am planning to do so, but am now worried that there may not be enough
: color distinction between the two. I will highlight the redwood with pine
: or yellow cedar but am still concerned. Any pictures, comments?????
: Thanks
: Mike

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood
Mike -- 8/3/2002, 1:11 pm- Re: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood
Dale Frolander -- 8/3/2002, 9:22 pm- Re: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 8/3/2002, 2:38 pm - Re: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Red Cedar/Red Wood