Date: 8/17/2002, 10:41 am
Earlier this summer, I was working on a couple of kayaks outside in the sun. I hadn't cut out the cockpit opening yet, and experienced the air inside expanding so that it stressed the cloth and epoxy, showing the weave in a couple of places. I have since put a small relief hole in the cockpit opening of any kayak I worked on, as well as in the bulkheads to stop any further problems. I did have some water get into the "airtight" compartment, and found that the water came out a lot easier if I put another small hole so that the air would replace any water that came out. As far a covering up the holes, I think duct tape would work fine. I use it to patch holes in the liner of goldfish pond. Pamela
: I'd really like to hear how many builders feel a relief hole is necessary.
: Have many builders who do not (or just didn't) have relief holes
: experienced problems like reported in the first post of this thread. Just
: think this is an oppertunity to get a handle on the various issues of
: 'ari-tight' compartments in various conditions and experiences. Like
: condensation, vacuum, etc. Paul's wine cork idea is as usual creative and
: practical. But I wonder at least 2 things: Is a relief hole of some kind
: always 'recommended' in 'all' weather conditions and boat conditions: And
: it seems to me that if it is that the 'best' method is just a 1/32"
: hole (barring some unique 'valve' of some kind which I can't imagine). I
: like the cork idea, but don't understand it value over the simple
: 1/32" hole. I mean if the cork is in an approx. 1/2" hole but
: has in itself a 1/32" hole, what is the point in the cork? If the
: cork is to allow for opening a 1/2" hole on occasion, what is the
: point of this larger hole sometime (To 'release' a 'stuck' hatch. This
: seems ok, but dosen't allow pressur adjustment at any time except when a
: problem is noticed (like the original post - and maybe not as soon as
: would be desirable ) or when one 'can't get the hatch off'. Anyway none of
: this is all that earth shaking, but it is such a basic issue I though it
: would be aservie to the board to have the men here contribute to get he
: best answer available and have it be the way we can know from now on with
: some confidence that it is the best thinkng and experience can do. Sort of
: like hey, Yes it is always a good 'idea' to epoxy and glass you boat and
: here are the options and concerns.
: Joe
: Rod,
Messages In This Thread
- S&G: Vacuum relief
Rod -- 8/16/2002, 11:03 pm- Holes are good
Brian Nystrom -- 8/19/2002, 1:18 pm- Thanks all- holes it is! *NM*
Rod -- 8/20/2002, 7:03 am- Thanks, Brian. *NM*
Joe -- 8/19/2002, 8:55 pm - Thanks, Brian. *NM*
- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Ross Hendry -- 8/18/2002, 4:21 am- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Scott Baxter -- 8/18/2002, 9:38 pm- This mouse trap is TOO good. *NM*
Tony -- 8/19/2002, 6:25 pm- I 2nd that: Award for cleverest Solution *NM*
Joe -- 8/19/2002, 8:58 pm
- I 2nd that: Award for cleverest Solution *NM*
- This mouse trap is TOO good. *NM*
- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Emmett -- 8/17/2002, 9:09 pm- Re: Artic Tern 14
Don -- 8/17/2002, 2:43 pm- Re: Artic Tern 14
Joe -- 8/17/2002, 11:01 pm- Plan to get wet.
Jason -- 8/18/2002, 11:13 am- Re: Artic Tern 14
Emmett -- 8/18/2002, 1:06 am- Re: Artic Tern 14
Greg Morse -- 8/18/2002, 10:06 am- Re: Artic Tern 14
Emmett -- 8/18/2002, 1:34 pm- Re: Artic Tern 14
Greg Morse -- 8/18/2002, 1:50 pm- Re: Artic Tern 14
Emmett -- 8/18/2002, 6:45 pm
- Re: Artic Tern 14
- Re: Artic Tern 14
- Re: Artic Tern 14
Joe -- 8/18/2002, 2:02 am- Hole location
Brian Nystrom -- 8/19/2002, 1:13 pm
- Re: Artic Tern 14
- Re: Artic Tern 14
- Plan to get wet.
- Relief is as near as a bottle of wine
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/17/2002, 12:28 am- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Sam McFadden -- 8/17/2002, 12:05 am- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Joe -- 8/17/2002, 2:27 am- Big hole with a small hole inside a cork
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/20/2002, 1:03 am- Don't you ever...
Brian Nystrom -- 8/20/2002, 12:41 pm- Interesting idea for a survey
responses please
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/21/2002, 12:35 am- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
Shawn Baker -- 8/23/2002, 1:32 pm- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
Jack Sanderson -- 8/22/2002, 10:55 am- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
Joe -- 8/22/2002, 1:05 pm- dessicants
Paul G. Jacobson -- 8/23/2002, 1:10 am- Re: dessicants
G.V.Prabhu -- 11/19/2003, 3:56 am
- Re: dessicants
- dessicants
- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
Brian Nystrom -- 8/21/2002, 12:29 pm- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
Ben Staley -- 8/21/2002, 10:12 am- Re: Interesting idea for a survey
responses ple
John Waddington -- 8/21/2002, 7:20 am - Re: Interesting idea for a survey
- Re: Don't you ever...
Joe -- 8/20/2002, 2:51 pm - Re: Interesting idea for a survey
- Interesting idea for a survey
- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Pamela -- 8/17/2002, 10:41 am- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Robert -- 8/17/2002, 9:26 am- Re: S&G: Vacuum relief
Brian Nystrom -- 8/19/2002, 1:05 pm
- Don't you ever...
- Big hole with a small hole inside a cork
- Thanks all- holes it is! *NM*
- Holes are good