Date: 11/13/2002, 1:03 pm
: I'm contemplating laminating some fiberglass to some minicell foam. Does
: anyone know if it is safe to use vinylester resin with minicell or will it
: disolve the foam?
: Joe
Hi Joe,
I don't have any experience with vinylester resin, but Raka's 127 epoxy resin with 350 hardner works great. If you are considering a surface that you need to attach foam, then glue it on, as Brian suggests. If you are using the foam as a permanent plug of some kind, apply several seal coats of regular epoxy before you lay the glass. You can even laminate the foam with rubber cement, carve it, then glass. Here's what I made as a test for grab handles. Although still unfinished, they are very light, and feel nearly indestructable.

Messages In This Thread
- Material: Using Vinylester resins with minicell foam
Joe Stumpfel -- 11/12/2002, 7:18 pm- Re: Material: Using Vinylester resins with minicel *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/13/2002, 1:03 pm- Re: Material: Using Vinylester resins with minicel
Brian Nystrom -- 11/13/2002, 12:22 pm - Re: Material: Using Vinylester resins with minicel
- Re: Material: Using Vinylester resins with minicel *Pic*