: I do everything a little differently (or %&*#@$ depending how you look at
: it). I have a POS Delta Bench saw that works great for daily tasks and is
: small enough to store easily. The rare times I have heavy duty jobs, I
: just go rent a super nice one for +- $40; I ripped strips for this boat on
: a rented saw. I might think differently if I was a homeowner but that's
: the way I look at it now. Spend the $500 on a small diamond for your
: wife... it will get you a lot further toward your goal than a new piece of
: machinery
: - Chip
: http://www.nwlink.com/~chips
My wife is so cool. She wants either a 1000 piece Sears tool kit or a 30" excalliber scroll saw for christmas. Hmm.. which should I buy her? If I got her a diamond ring she'd be so ticked at me.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 2:22 pm- Re: Table Saw
Chip Sandresky -- 11/15/2002, 3:12 pm- Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for me
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 7:11 pm- Re: Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 7:48 pm
- Re: Table Saw
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:11 pm - Re: Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for *LINK*
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Rick Allnutt -- 11/15/2002, 3:04 pm- Delta!
Randy Oswald -- 11/15/2002, 1:40 pm- Christmas may just have to come early. *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:59 pm- Re: Christmas may just have to come early.
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:04 pm- I converted my 9" Craftsman to a disk sander...
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 3:49 pm - I converted my 9" Craftsman to a disk sander...
- Re: Christmas may just have to come early.
- For table saws...
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 1:38 pm- wanna sell one of your fences?
Shawn Baker -- 11/15/2002, 2:26 pm- Not yet.
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 3:45 pm
- I'll buy used, if I can find one. *NM*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:14 pm - Not yet.
- Grizzly Industrial has gotten good reviews for
Rob Peterson -- 11/14/2002, 8:00 pm- Re: Table saw search continues
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:04 pm- Re: Table saw search continues
John Skinner -- 11/16/2002, 3:18 am- Re: Table saw search continues
Rehd -- 11/16/2002, 12:54 am- Delta doesn't make all their own things either!
Jay Babina -- 11/17/2002, 10:47 am- ridgid makes craftsman high end saws *NM*
steve hartmann -- 11/16/2002, 5:13 pm- No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/19/2002, 4:32 am- Re: No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
steve hartmann -- 11/19/2002, 9:43 pm
- Re: No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
- ridgid makes craftsman high end saws *NM*
- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000 *LINK* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:03 pm- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
Jeff Hatton -- 11/16/2002, 10:30 am- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 5:25 pm - Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
- Re: Table saw search continues
- I have a G1029
Don Beale -- 11/15/2002, 1:18 pm- Forgot the website link *NM* *LINK*
Rob Peterson -- 11/14/2002, 8:01 pm - Re: Table saw search continues
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/14/2002, 4:04 pm- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
John Skinner -- 11/15/2002, 1:56 am- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/15/2002, 11:40 pm
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 7:00 pm- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Chip Sandresky -- 11/14/2002, 7:21 pm
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK*
- Re: Tools: I've got a crush on Santa *LINK* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/14/2002, 2:32 pm- Re: Tools: I really like this one also. *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 2:39 pm- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Tom -- 11/18/2002, 11:59 am- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Elliott -- 11/15/2002, 7:22 am- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Tim Eastman -- 11/14/2002, 10:39 pm - Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
- Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for me
- Re: Table Saw