: Nice try Chip,
: I'm just not buyin' it. Although they say "Diamonds are forever", a
: ring or necklace just won't cut wood. And regardless, a month after
: Christmas, I'll be back in the dog house anyway
: Actually, my wife sounds more like Roger's. She wants me to have nice tools,
: so that I can help with her crafts (mostly country tole painting on pine).
: She has already said that I could buy a tablesaw now, _IF_ I build a
: window bench in the hallway. Last weekend she found a 50's style kitchen
: table at a garage sale and she made me go pick it up in my truck and pay
: them $250 for it (didn't even blink an eye). Of course, this purchase was
: fine by me, it just meant that I could spend the equivelant at Woodcraft.
: Did that this morning. Cool stuff coming in a week.
: The more I think about getting a new tablesaw, a portable unit sounds better
: for me because of my lack of space. I have no real workshop (at least not
: yet). Most of the serious work is done in my carport, then I throw it up
: thru the attic window for assembly. A portable saw could be easily used in
: the carport (with a custom stand w/ wheels) or in the attic (just the saw)
: for daily tasks.
: I too get a healthy bonus at Christmas, so if I get the tools I need now, and
: do a few household projects, after the holidays, I should have the money
: to get a good start on a real work shop. Still haven't figured out a way
: to explain to my wife my need for a woodshop. Maybe then I'll have to buy
: the diamonds...
The contractor saws are a very attractive option. Most of them have pullouts on the sides and back to support large sheets of plywood. My saw weighs less than 100lbs with all the options and has a very sturdy platform that can be folded up. I don't know the dimensions but the whole unit compacts to a nice small package. It also has a 2.5" dust port that hooks up to my wet/dry vac. When I use the vac, there is almost no dust.I got it from Amazon.com and received free shipping.
The main reason I got a contractor saw was portabillity. I get moved a lot in my industry so I want tools that are easilly transported. Not ready for the cabinet maker special just yet. Got at least 1 more move in me.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 2:22 pm- Re: Table Saw
Chip Sandresky -- 11/15/2002, 3:12 pm- Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for me
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 7:11 pm- Re: Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for *LINK*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 7:48 pm
- Re: Table Saw
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:11 pm - Re: Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for *LINK*
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Rick Allnutt -- 11/15/2002, 3:04 pm- Delta!
Randy Oswald -- 11/15/2002, 1:40 pm- Christmas may just have to come early. *LINK* *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:59 pm- Re: Christmas may just have to come early.
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:04 pm- I converted my 9" Craftsman to a disk sander...
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 3:49 pm - I converted my 9" Craftsman to a disk sander...
- Re: Christmas may just have to come early.
- For table saws...
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 1:38 pm- wanna sell one of your fences?
Shawn Baker -- 11/15/2002, 2:26 pm- Not yet.
Brian Nystrom -- 11/15/2002, 3:45 pm
- I'll buy used, if I can find one. *NM*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:14 pm - Not yet.
- Grizzly Industrial has gotten good reviews for
Rob Peterson -- 11/14/2002, 8:00 pm- Re: Table saw search continues
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 2:04 pm- Re: Table saw search continues
John Skinner -- 11/16/2002, 3:18 am- Re: Table saw search continues
Rehd -- 11/16/2002, 12:54 am- Delta doesn't make all their own things either!
Jay Babina -- 11/17/2002, 10:47 am- ridgid makes craftsman high end saws *NM*
steve hartmann -- 11/16/2002, 5:13 pm- No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/19/2002, 4:32 am- Re: No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
steve hartmann -- 11/19/2002, 9:43 pm
- Re: No, Emerson built both -- and Sears is suing
- ridgid makes craftsman high end saws *NM*
- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000 *LINK* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/15/2002, 4:03 pm- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
Jeff Hatton -- 11/16/2002, 10:30 am- Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
Scott Ferguson -- 11/15/2002, 5:25 pm - Re: Table saw Bosch 4000
- Re: Table saw search continues
- I have a G1029
Don Beale -- 11/15/2002, 1:18 pm- Forgot the website link *NM* *LINK*
Rob Peterson -- 11/14/2002, 8:01 pm - Re: Table saw search continues
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/14/2002, 4:04 pm- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
John Skinner -- 11/15/2002, 1:56 am- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/15/2002, 11:40 pm
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 7:00 pm- Re: Tools: Dear Santa...
Chip Sandresky -- 11/14/2002, 7:21 pm
- Re: Tools: Dear Santa... *LINK*
- Re: Tools: I've got a crush on Santa *LINK* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/14/2002, 2:32 pm- Re: Tools: I really like this one also. *Pic*
Scott Ferguson -- 11/14/2002, 2:39 pm- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Tom -- 11/18/2002, 11:59 am- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Elliott -- 11/15/2002, 7:22 am- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
Tim Eastman -- 11/14/2002, 10:39 pm - Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
- Re: Tools: I really like this one also.
- Let's see, a diamond for her or new tools for me
- Re: Table Saw