Re: Tools: Which one tool?
In Response To: Tools: Which one tool? (Jamie Smith)
: I've been asked by SWMBO which one, expensive tool I want for Christmas. I've
: never built a boat (or anything else really... the woodworking tools have
: been my wife's domain until now). SO I don't know what I would benefit the
: most from.
: If there is one tool you use (or wanted because you didn't have) for SOF
: building, what is it?
It is really hard to beat a bandsaw for boat building. You can cut curves and although not as easy for making long straight cuts it will work.
If you had said you wanted to make a stripper I would say a table saw, but when it comes to cutting the masik it is hard to beat a bandsaw.
Messages In This Thread
- Tools: Which one tool?
Jamie Smith -- 11/17/2002, 8:17 pm- Re: Tools: Which one tool? *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/18/2002, 4:29 pm- Re: Tools: Which one tool?
Roger Nuffer -- 11/20/2002, 3:19 pm
- Tough call
Brian Nystrom -- 11/18/2002, 2:10 pm- Re: Tools: Which one tool?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/18/2002, 9:07 am- Re: Tools: Which one tool?
Richard Boyle -- 11/17/2002, 9:26 pm- Re: Tools: Which one tool?
Jamie Smith -- 11/18/2002, 6:38 am- Thickness Planer *Pic*
Rick Allnutt -- 11/18/2002, 11:02 am-
Jamie Smith -- 11/18/2002, 7:31 pm
- Re: Money no object... a big bandsaw $600+ *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/17/2002, 10:30 pm- Re: Money no object... a big bandsaw $600+
Jamie Smith -- 11/18/2002, 6:39 am
- Thickness Planer *Pic*
- dittos: Table Saw *NM*
Rick Allnutt -- 11/17/2002, 9:14 pm- Table Saw *NM*
Bob Kelim -- 11/17/2002, 8:47 pm - Re: Tools: Which one tool?
- Re: Tools: Which one tool? *Pic*