Date: 11/21/2002, 12:34 pm
This is the messiest shop anyone will ever find. On the right is a custom cylinder-desk that has several small gift boxes on it. These are current projects that are being worked on even as the pic was taken. Foreground is sheet goods and cutoffs and a couple of unhung light fixtures, left is more sheet goods and boxes of junk, in the rear are all my tools and machines. The size of my shop is 12 X 14 and there was (at the time of this pic) no room for ME to get in there let alone anything else. Somehow I need to find room to put up the strongback and forms for the Guillemot I'm going to build. That'll probably be done outside next year.
I have since reorganized and tossed a lot of things so that I can work in there.

Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Night Heron - about this cockpit recess...
charles w -- 11/20/2002, 10:29 pm- Clean up the mess! Be happy!
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 9:56 am- I would send a picture if...
Tony -- 11/22/2002, 7:42 pm- Where would I put it??? *Pic*
charles w -- 11/21/2002, 11:49 am- HAH! You lose *Pic*
Rob Peterson -- 11/21/2002, 12:34 pm- It's a different category!------------5vNnonV3+W1V
charles w------------5vNnonV3+W1VqCkr8Fo3Tb -- 11/21/2002, 12:54 pm- No one said anything about "categories"
Rob Peterson -- 11/21/2002, 1:19 pm- Why not?
charles w -- 11/21/2002, 4:55 pm
- Why not?
- Even I can't compete with THAT
Scott Ferguson -- 11/21/2002, 12:47 pm - No one said anything about "categories"
- Looks pretty clean to me...
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 12:26 pm- Join the clan?------------o+narwnbhc7gWvnllq+K8T
charles w------------o+narwnbhc7gWvnllq+K8T -- 11/21/2002, 12:59 pm
- Re: Where would I put it???
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 12:23 pm - It's a different category!------------5vNnonV3+W1V
- Re: Clean up the mess! Be happy!
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 11:20 am - Where would I put it??? *Pic*
- Re: Strip: Night Heron - about this cockpit recess
steve hartmann -- 11/21/2002, 8:21 am- Re: Strip: cockpit recess - messy shop
charles w -- 11/21/2002, 9:09 am
- I would send a picture if...
- Clean up the mess! Be happy!