There is an in-between solution
In Response To: Strip: Hip braces: optional?? (Rick Allnutt)
It's a simple matter to make minicell hip pads that are wide at the bottom (to keep you from sliding side to side), but taper after the first couple of inches so you can get low in the boat simply by raising your butt off the seat a bit. This happens pretty much automatically during a balance brace.
Contrary to popular belief, hip pads are NOT necessary in order to perform a good hip snap. As long as your knees/thighs are adequately braced, hip snapping is no problem.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Hip braces: optional??
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 8:14 am- There is an in-between solution
Brian Nystrom -- 11/21/2002, 1:20 pm- Re: There is an in-between solution
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 3:31 pm- Re: There is an in-between solution
Brian Nystrom -- 11/22/2002, 1:06 pm
- Re: There is an in-between solution
- Re: Strip: Hip braces: optional??
Greg Stamer -- 11/21/2002, 9:43 am- Hip braces: Greenlandic View
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 10:14 am- Re: Hip pads--if you need 'em, you need 'em.
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 11:06 am- A commercial kayak that does fit??
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 11:48 am- Re: A commercial kayak that does fit?? -
sing -- 11/21/2002, 12:38 pm- Re: Balance brace--comm. boat--no hip pads *NM* *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 12:55 pm
- Re: A commercial kayak that does fit??
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 12:24 pm- Agreement, what disappointment...
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 12:30 pm- you're lousy at flame wars
Shawn Baker -- 11/21/2002, 12:57 pm
- you're lousy at flame wars
- Sorry, here is the pic for the above *NM* *Pic*
Rick Allnutt -- 11/21/2002, 11:49 am - Re: Balance brace--comm. boat--no hip pads *NM* *Pic*
- Re: Hip pads--if you need 'em, you need 'em.
sing -- 11/21/2002, 11:18 am - Re: A commercial kayak that does fit?? -
- A commercial kayak that does fit??
- Re: Hip pads--if you need 'em, you need 'em.
- Re: Strip: Hip braces: optional??
LeeG -- 11/21/2002, 9:25 am - Re: There is an in-between solution
- There is an in-between solution