Date: 11/22/2002, 1:24 pm
: Yes--the moist wood shouldn't affect yellow glue too much. Hit them with the
: heat gun after glued and clamped and you'll not only dry the wood, but
: also cure the glue and really lock things down.
You may, in fact, get a benefit from the moist wood. Yellow glue, Titebond and others, are water soluble and the moisture will tend to dilute it and wick it into the wood just a tad easier. Of course, there are limits... You probably don't want the wood dripping wet to where it totally washes the glue out or dilutes it to a point where it's bonding will be affected.
: Hit it with heat right away if you want. It's not like there's a needed wait
: time between clamping and drying.
: You're going to get along just fine here, Mike!
: Shawn
Hmmmmmmm!! And this coming from one of the best/uh..worst addicts in the lot. ???
Sitting here baking some awesome Brownies!
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Bending wood
Mike Rury -- 11/22/2002, 9:47 am- Re: Strip: Bending wood
Ken -- 11/22/2002, 5:40 pm- Re: Strip: Bending wood
Rick Allnutt -- 11/22/2002, 12:41 pm- Re: Strip: Steaming then heat gun
Shawn Baker -- 11/22/2002, 11:24 am- Re: Titebond and Killer Brownies...
Rehd -- 11/22/2002, 1:24 pm- Re: Titebond and Killer Brownies...
Bill Price -- 11/22/2002, 2:55 pm- Re: Pain Killer Brownies...??
Rehd -- 11/22/2002, 8:47 pm- Re: Killer Brownies...
Roger Nuffer -- 11/22/2002, 4:45 pm- Re: Killer Brownies...
Rehd -- 11/22/2002, 8:23 pm
- Re: Killer Brownies...
- Re: Pain Killer Brownies...??
- Re: Titebond and Killer Brownies...
- Re: Strip: Bending wood
- Re: Strip: Bending wood