Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Date: 11/23/2002, 12:17 pm
Date: 11/23/2002, 12:17 pm
In Response To: Re: Strip: Done at long last! (Jim Kozel)
Thanks Jim,
Yes, it is Swede form. I really like the Mariner boats as well. The hull is sort of a stretched out Elan. The rocker is different and the keel was changed to accamodate wood. The deck was designed on top of the almost finished hull.
The seat works great. It is easy to adjust for steering and tracking, also for windage. It stays in place. Of course when the seat moves, you have to move the foot rests. I currently am using a pc of rope. I'm worried about snags so I'm replaceing it with 1/4" fiberglass rod. Also,They'll both push and pull the peddles
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*
Mark hatcher -- 11/23/2002, 11:30 am- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 11/23/2002, 4:38 pm- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Mark hatcher -- 11/23/2002, 8:54 pm- Re: Strip: OOPS!
Steve Frederick -- 11/23/2002, 4:41 pm - Re: Strip: OOPS!
- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/23/2002, 3:11 pm- Re: Strip: Here's the photo
*NM* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/23/2002, 2:48 pm- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Jim Kozel -- 11/23/2002, 11:59 am- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Mark -- 11/23/2002, 12:17 pm
- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*