Date: 11/23/2002, 8:54 pm
: Looks Great Mark!
: Love the seat and Abelone. Strips seem wider, or is it just me? Drawing or
: pic of seat slide mechanics please?
: Did you buy plans or loft your own? You said "latest" what else
: have you built?
: Again, A beautiful Kayak! Nice job!
: Steve
Thanks Steve,
The strips aren't really wide, but because I didn't bead and cove them, I suppose they might be a little wider. I don't yet have a good pic of the slide
It's simply 3/4"x1/4"thick x22"long white nylon sunk in little cedar frames.
This is glued down to the hull. I routed 1/4" grooves under the seat.
If I did it again, I'd use 1" instead of 3/4" and route the groove a little deeper. This would create a pinch on the seat and prevent it from pulling up.
Messages In This Thread
- Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*
Mark hatcher -- 11/23/2002, 11:30 am- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*
Steve Frederick -- 11/23/2002, 4:38 pm- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Mark hatcher -- 11/23/2002, 8:54 pm- Re: Strip: OOPS!
Steve Frederick -- 11/23/2002, 4:41 pm - Re: Strip: OOPS!
- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/23/2002, 3:11 pm- Re: Strip: Here's the photo
*NM* *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/23/2002, 2:48 pm- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Jim Kozel -- 11/23/2002, 11:59 am- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
Mark -- 11/23/2002, 12:17 pm
- Re: Strip: Done at long last!
- Re: Strip: Done at long last! *LINK*